In the least surprising political move of the 2018 political cycle, Levi Tillemann Dick finally announced that he intends to seek the nomination to be the Democratic nominee to run into the buzzsaw or electoral Zeus that is Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman in the Sixth Congressional District. Yawn. The move comes after Tillemann (Dick) has been fundraising for the last couple of months, which is obviously not Federal Election Commission-compliant. But we digress.
According to Colorado Politics, Tillemann Dick plans to announce his run on July 9. Tillemann Dick is generally thought to represent the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party whereas his opponent, handpicked by the establishment Clinton or Pelosi wing of the Democratic Party is lining up behind Jason Crow, who doesn’t even live in the district.
Of course, the real question in this Pelosi vs. Sanders cage match is why couldn’t Pelosi, who allegedly is still in full control of the Democratic Party, clear the field for her man, Crow?
We can’t wait to see this primary play out. It’s going to be delicious.