Perhaps because Levi Tillemann (Dick) is not backed by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, like Jason Crow, he didn’t get the memo that Colorado’s Sixth Congressional District is one of the most competitive in the country. For those playing at home, that means centrist is best. That’s the only explanation we can think of for Tillemann (Dick)’s hard line rhetoric at his official announcement yesterday, according to the Denver Post:
“Too many Democrats have become too soft. They’ve become too gentle. They have forgotten how to fight. And we need to fight.”
Tillemann (Dick) will have to fight if he wants to win his primary – there are at least three other candidates already in the Democratic primary, including interloper Jason Crow, who despite being recruited by the DCCC, does not even live in the district. Fortunately, Tillemann (Dick) has been raising money for his race for months. Whether that’s legal or not, we leave to the experts (Colorado Ethics Watch, we’re looking at you).
Either way, this is yet another primary we’re watching, popcorn in hand.