The timing of Gary Hart’s endorsement of Mike Johnston in the Democratic gubernatorial race and his praise of the candidate’s commitment to education and strengthening the workforce was perfect.
Johnston is one of the most “creative and thoughtful leaders on education,” says Hart.
Johnston is all about “high quality public education, and continuing education, and employment and economic opportunity,” says Hart.
Meanwhile, Johnston is encouraging his Facebook followers to skip work and binge watch a TV show, “Game of Thrones.”
If you haven’t watched it yet, buy a Red Bull and watch it tonight. If you don’t watch Game of Thrones then call in sick for two days and watch all 6 seasons to give you context for tonight’s masterpiece.
That certainly is the most creative approach we’ve seen from a leader to encourage economic development. Of Hollywood, perhaps.
We don’t begrudge his enthusiasm for Game of Thrones, we’re a huge fan of the books and follow the show as well.
But urging his followers to skip work in order to binge watch six seasons of any TV show, that’s not leadership, that’s just being childish. Even if it is Game of Thrones.