We’re not sure who is using whom. Gov. Hickenlooper is holding town hall meetings to discuss his health care proposal that’s going nowhere in Washington.
Joining him at those meetings is Lt. Gov. Donna Lynne, who used to be an executive at Kaiser Permanente. Lynne is also running for the Democratic nomination for governor.
It’s a frustrating advantage that incumbents have when running for reelection — using their office to do so, like when they hold town hall meetings.
But it’s rare that we see incumbents holding the town halls with their hand-picked successor.
We imagine Democrats are pretty steamed about this as well, especially the ones running against Lynne.
This week they used a town hall meeting at the Commerce City Civic Center to pray for Las Vegas and talk about health care, among other topics.
Lynn took the opportunity to grandstand that health care for children in peril. That is, unless she is elected, we presume.
Hickenlooper backed her up with his interpretation of the Constitution that health care is somewhere included as a right, and not a privilege.
Actually, it’s a function of the free market.
Only when the government takes it over does it become a “right” that we either can’t afford, or falters because government can’t pay the bills.