In case you missed the hoards of liberals weeping last night and this morning, the U.S. House and Senate passed its historic tax reform bill last night and sent it on to President Trump’s desk for his signature. While the middle class is a big winner in the tax reform bill, the winner of the media wars last night was surely Colorado’s U.S. Senator Cory Gardner, who offered the best line of the night, reminding people that the last time the tax code was changed Atari was a most-requested gift from Santa.

Just watch:


“After 31 years, the American people will no longer be forced to deal with an Atari-era tax code that is outdated and overly complicated. Congress has finally answered the call to cut taxes and reform the tax code, and I’m proud to help deliver this relief to all of Colorado. At the beginning of this process, my goal was to bring relief to hardworking Coloradans throughout the four corners of our great state, and I’m proud that after months of work we have achieved this goal. Coloradans at every income level will receive a tax cut and popular provisions that help hardworking Coloradans like greater tax relief for childcare services, the student loan interest deduction, the medical expense deduction, and tax breaks for teachers are all part of the final bill.

“After years of complacency and being told we have to accept meager economic growth, the American people will once again see their economy accelerate. This tax relief package will lead to economic growth, higher wages, and more jobs. The American people sent their representatives to Washington to bring relief and I’m proud to have delivered on this promise during the first year of a unified Republican government.”