Jason Crow

For a candidate with the backing of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, we would think that Jason Crow would know better than to release a big endorsement right before a major holiday weekend. We suspect he does, and that’s the point. In case you missed Crow’s big news, Gold Star Dad Khizr Kahn sent out an email praising the Democratic establishment candidate the Friday before New Year’s Eve. Khan was a speaker at the Democratic National Convention in support (of candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

We’re not going to critique Khan – we’ll thank him for his sacrifice for our nation. We cannot imagine how difficult it must be to lose a son at war. That Khan, a frequent critic of Republicans, spoke up for Crow says less about Khan than it does about Crow.

In case you forgot, PeakNation™, there are actually two candidates vying for the chance to go head-to-head against Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman. One is Jason Crow, who may or may not live in the district he hopes to represent, and the other is Levi Tillman (Dick), who is not the choice of the Democratic establishment.

The fact that Democratic mouthpieces like Gabby Giffords and Khan are sending fundraising letters in support of Crow only underscores that Crow is the anointed establishment candidate. Will that help or hurt him in the primary? Too soon to tell, but Bernie Sanders’  fans, which compose a lot of the Democratic base, remember all too well how they were shafted by the Clinton establishment wing of the party in 2016.

Will they let it happen again with the CD6 race?