A poll recently released by the Independence Institute showed that the most popular plan to fix roads is to do so by prioritizing the budget, not raising taxes. Seventy-three percent of poll respondents said that they preferred Colorado’s governor and legislature to allocate two percent of current budget to specific roads and bridges projects each year. The next most popular option to fix transportation was to raise fees on cars and trucks, but only 59% of respondents would vote for that plan, which is probably too low to pursue.
The least popular plan of the three tested? Raising sales tax to fund transportation projects. Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, take note. This poll was released yesterday, and the Chamber’s ballot initiative push was released today. Sort of. The plan was released; however, the Chamber said this morning it will hold off on filing paperwork a few more days as it fixes a few details. Maybe it should fix the detail where it raises taxes. Just a thought.
The poll was conducted jointly by Public Policy Polling, which tends to lean left, and Magellan Strategies, which tends to lean right, on January 30 through February 1, 2018. It interviewed a decent sample of Rs, Ds, and Us. The results have a margin of error of +/- 3.58%.