Today, Republican Sen. Randy Baumgardner stepped down as the chairman of the powerful transportation committee following accusations that he sexually harassed a staff member were found credible by an independent review of the case. Baumgardner also will be required to attend sensitivity training.
On the other side of the aisle, state Rep. Steve Lebsock has not been removed, as threatened by Democratic Senate leadership for Baumgardner, and he is still serving in the state House. In fact, if you recall, PeakNation™, after House Democratic leadership learned of Lebsock’s indiscretions last May, they didn’t punish him, they gave him a committee chairmanship. That’s exactly what should happen here – give a guy who may have used his power inappropriately another chance to use his power inappropriately.
We also eagerly await Democrat Rep. Matt Gray’s legislation to expel Lebsock from the chamber. Initially, he told the media he would introduce it on Day One. We’re still waiting. Did we miss it? Feel free to send our way, Rep. Gray. We’ll apologize if you’ve introduced it on Day One like you promised.