With so many issues of global and universal consequences weighing heavily on the minds of liberal Democrats these days, guess what they want in their nominee for governor?
No, it’s not their position on gun control or open borders, income equality or more free stuff like health insurance, the environment, abortion, the planet or the universe.
It’s gender, of the female persuasion.
Sorry, Jared Polis.
That’s what lots of assembly-goers in Colorado Springs told Corey Hutchins, who reports under this stacked headline:
Personality trumps policy in the Dem gov primary at El Paso County assembly. Also, Donna who?
“Testosterone is the most dangerous chemical”
That’s right, the folks he interviewed want Cary Kennedy because she’s a she. Some didn’t even know Lt. Gov. Donna Lynne is running.
“I’m a horrible, horrible American,” (David Venable) joked, adding that he hadn’t done much research yet on the others who are running. But, “I think,” he said, “testosterone is the most dangerous chemical.”
Just when we thought Democrats couldn’t get more shallow, they’ve hit rock bottom.