We laughed when Congressman Jared Polis refused to give our hardworking military a raise citing concerns over cost. Hell of a time to become a fiscal conservative, amirite?
His erratic spending wasn’t so funny today when we saw news that the healthcare system that Polis supports, basically socialized medicine or known by the more friendly term “Medicare for all (M4A),” would cost the United States $32.6 TRILLION with a “t” if implemented nationally, according to a study by the Mercatus Center.
In case you thought this was an exaggeration, it’s not. It’s probably underestimating the cost. From the report:
“It is likely that the actual cost of M4A would be substantially greater than these estimates, which assume significant administrative and drug cost savings under the plan, and also assume that healthcare providers operating under M4A will be reimbursed at rates more than 40 percent lower than those currently paid by private health insurance.”
Shocking. The estimates assume that healthcare providers would be reimbursed at rates more than 40 percent lower than those currently paid by private health insurance. At that point, wouldn’t they just be working for minimum wage? Why would anyone want to be a healthcare provider?
This Polis-supported plan would create worse healthcare outcomes, and less access to healthcare. But don’t worry, PeakNation™, the real budget buster is giving that soldier a much-deserved pay bump.