In a recent sit-down with 9NEWS Political Reporter Marshall Zelinger, Democrat nominee Jared Polis answered a fairly innocuous question regarding his spotty (read: the worst in terms of absenteeism in the delegation) Congressional voting record with a fateful response:
Zelinger: “What’s an appropriate amount of time to miss in Congress, or an appropriate number of votes to miss?”
Polis: “For me, it comes down to being there for important votes.”
This, of course, begs for a follow-up: What vote isn’t important enough to earn the attention of Boulder’s weirdest rich guy? We found a few votes that Polis found insufficiently important:
H.R.6082 – Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act – In Polis’ own words and actions, a bill to protect the medical information of Americans who suffer from overdoses was insufficiently important on which to cast a vote.
H.R.5676 – Stop Excessive Narcotics in our Retirement Communities Protection Act of 2018 – This bill was designed to protect elderly Americans from credible accusations of fraud against pharmacies. Polis bravely refused to vote on the measure.
H.R.5895 – Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2019 – When it came to voting on federal appropriations for American energy and water development, Polis was nowhere to be found. Yet another profile in courage.
Water Resources Development Act of 2018 – Of the 435 members of the House of Representatives, fully 408 voted aye on the bill that provided improvements to America’s ports, inland waterways, locks, dams, flood protection, ecosystem restoration, and other water resources infrastructure. Despite water policy being a critical component of Colorado’s future, Polis couldn’t be bothered to vote on this one. Not important enough.
Satisfying Energy Needs and Saving the Environment Act – This bill provided protection to the clean coal industry. Polis, he of almighty Boulder and defender of the hippie universe, decided against tackling this one and abstained from voting. Seriously, that’s hilarious. At least vote no.
Needless to say, when Colorado needs a leader to step up and fight for and against policies that will affect our future, Polis might be too busy playing video games. Colorado should give him the space he clearly desires to conquer the next level of Super Mario Brothers. Or whatever.