Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jared Polis wants Colorado to think that he’s a champion for women. We’ve already debunked that notion as Polis’ employee took out a restraining order on him after he grabbed and pushed her as she was trying to whistleblow on this shady activities. Too bad mainstream media wouldn’t even follow up on this credible story.
Here’s another proof point. Polis voted five times to fund the Congressional hush fund. In case you don’t know what that is, PeakNation, here’s how the Chicago Tribune described it:
“If you’re a victim of sexual harassment and you work for Congress, you can’t complain to the human resources department.
“You can’t file a lawsuit, either — at least not until you’ve gone through months of mandatory counseling and mediation designed to keep such complaints out of court. And out of the public eye….
“Instead of HR, claims are handled by the congressional Office of Compliance. It receives allegations of sexual harassment, salary discrimination and other workplace issues, and pays out settlements — with money supplied by the U.S. Treasury — if the parties reach an agreement. Since 1997, taxpayers have shelled out $15.2 million.”
$15.2 million? That’s crazy. But what’s even crazier is that men (or maybe women? no discrimination here) in Congress were allowed to sexually harass staffers and colleagues without the public flogging they would richly deserve. And even crazier than that – Polis voted to allow them to continue without consequence. A champion for women he is not.