The problem with knee-jerk campaign promises, they usually come back to bite the candidate on the proverbial butt once they’re elected.
And so begins our welcome to Jason Crow, congressman-elect to the 6th Congressional District.
Crow broke his promise not to accept money from corporations about 60 seconds after making the pledge during his campaign.
And now another broken promise looms on the horizon — will he vote for Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker?
Crow promised he would not, and we suspect that promise came after Pelosi’s second-in-command paid a visit to one of Crow’s Democratic primary challenger telling him to hand the crown to Crow.
That man was Steny Hoyer, who by all accounts will not challenge Pelosi for the top position.
As a matter of fact, no feasible opponent has come forward to challenge the wealthy San Fransisco Democrat who delivered on House control, including the $4 million she funneled into Crow’s campaign.
So what are Crow’s options?
“Either Jason Crow breaks his word with his first vote in Congress, or he incurs the wrath of the likely Speaker, and becomes a pariah to not only his base, but to House leadership. Not the best way to start out a congressional term,” said Kyle Kohli, Colorado’s Republican National Committee spokesperson.
If he keeps his promise, it will certainly hurt his district when they need a favor from the leader Crow spurred.
So will he break another promise? Stay tuned.