Last week, we learned that Colorado’s relatively anonymous Democratic U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet was considering a run against Donald Trump in 2020, according to attempts to hire staff in Iowa. Bennet joins the ranks of another Centennial State no-hoper, Governor John Hickenlooper, in pursuing the attainable-but-inadvisable: hitting Pizza Ranches in each of Iowa’s 99 counties while failing to break ten percent in any actual poll or caucus.
As we look ahead to the 2020 Presidential campaign, one thing is quickly becoming certain: if you know ten Democrats, at least one of them is running to become America’s Commander-in-Chief.
We’re not suggesting these guys aren’t lunatics: Bennet might as well have bribed the Iranians himself to stop developing nuclear weapons back in 2015 (the Iranians, of course, gladly took the pallets of money without so much as slowing down their weapons program, because of course), while Hickenlooper just last week basically required that all Coloradans buy a $100,000 Tesla or face the financial guillotine.
But the 2020 Democrat nominee is sure to be a special type of crazy, and Colorado’s boring old white guy delegation is just not on the socialist tasting menu for now (unless one’s name rhymes with Fernie Blanders, of course).
Watch this space, folks: a battle between Bennet and Hickenlooper isn’t a battle for the nomination. It’s a battle for a tenth-place finish in the bleak, windswept Iowa midwinter. Hick’s better off just getting back on his buddies’ private jets and heading to the beach.