In 2017, the Douglas County Federation, the teachers union that allegedly didn’t exist, invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding and resources into electing a union-friendly school board in Douglas County Schools. The ploy worked and the candidates who embraced school choice saw a stunning defeat. The entire campaign cycle, the teachers union claimed that it had no intention of bringing back collective bargaining to Douglas County School District (DCSD). A new post on Douglas County Federation, the teachers union that doesn’t exist, shows that the 2017 election was always about bringing the union back to DCSD. In fact, DCF is now circulating a petition to bring back collective bargaining to DCSD.
Here’s what the site says:
“As you probably know, teachers and classified staff are circulating a petition to bring back a collective bargaining agreement. If you haven’t already signed the petition, talk to others in your building or call us at the DCF office at 720-389-9829.”
That’s right. The union that doesn’t exist is circulating a petition to encourage teachers and other support staff to bring back collective bargaining to Douglas County. That the union is trying to recoup costs associated with the funds spent to elect this board makes sense. We just wish we were surprised by what liars they were to begin with.