U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet says the Jan. 6 protest is the real reason Vlad the Putin invaded Ukraine, claiming the protest ruined democracy by proving Biden America can no longer lead.
The Colorado Democrat made the outrageous claim during a CNN interview Thursday in which host Jim Sciutto repeatedly asked the hard question: If this is a 1939 moment and we don’t stop Putin at Ukraine as he rebuilds his Russian empire, then when, and how?
After ducking and weaving the question, Bennet delivered this blow:
“And whether you think about what Putin is doing in Russia today, or what China is doing with their state-sponsored capitalism, they believe democracy is — when they looked at January 6th, what they said is, America can’t lead. Democracy is ruined.”
Do Democrats truly believe that after 246 years, the American experiment has failed and Democracy is dead because of this?
We would argue it’s the weak leadership exhibited by the likes of Bennet, President Biden and their progressive movement here and abroad that has emboldened Putin.
Granted, Putin probably views U.S. lawmakers as weak for continuing to complain about a protest that got way out of hand a year ago, when some 400 angry protestors pushed into the U.S. Capitol with American flags — as opposed to guns — to stomp the halls like a bunch of ugly American tourists.
Did a protest embolden Putin? Or, was it Biden’s weak and bumbled handling of the U.S. withdrawal of armed forces out of Afghanistan as it fell to our enemies that got the Russian Bear’s attention?
Then Bennet blamed Trump because the media blew the former president’s comments on Putin wildly out of context to pretend that Trump actually admired the monster, when in reality Trump was being sarcastic and insulting Biden.
Here is that interview prior to the invasion in context. Judge for yourself whether the media has the reading skills of a soccer ball or the capacity to recognize sarcasm:
BUCK: Mr. President, in the last 24 hours we know Russia has said that they are recognizing two breakaway regions of Ukraine, and now this White House is stating that this is an “invasion.” That’s a strong word. What went wrong here? What has the current occupant of the Oval Office done that he could have done differently?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, what went wrong was a rigged election and what went wrong is a candidate that shouldn’t be there and a man that has no concept of what he’s doing. I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, “This is genius.” Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. (sarcastic)
So, Putin is now saying, “It’s independent,” a large section of Ukraine. I said, “How smart is that?” And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy… I know him very well. Very, very well.
By the way, this never would have happened with us. Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened. But here’s a guy that says, you know, “I’m gonna declare a big portion of Ukraine independent,” he used the word “independent,” “and we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.” You gotta say that’s pretty savvy. And you know what the response was from Biden? There was no response. They didn’t have one for that. No, it’s very sad. Very sad.
Adding insult to injury, Bennet wonders why everyone in this country is so divided.
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is an attack on democracy.
Our country’s internal divisions are a threat to democracy too.
Now more than ever, we need to put our divisions aside, unify, and begin to work together. pic.twitter.com/1TdTmTmwSJ
— Michael Bennet (@SenatorBennet) March 6, 2022
And that’s how Bennet proposes to stop World War III, by avoiding the topic and attacking his political enemies.