With ivy league schools equivocating on whether their phony baloney safe spaces offer protection from new age Nazis on campus calling for the genocide of Jews, now’s a good time to examine the state of hate in Colorado.
If students here are anything like some of the questionable educators who have passed through Denver Public schools like socialist state Rep. Tim Hernandez, parents should be worried.
Then there’s Alex Borenstein, director for the Denver Classroom Teachers Association and liaison for 4,000 elementary and high school teachers, who was arrested recently for shutting down traffic on Speer Boulevard outside the Global Conference for Israel.
Coloradans didn’t read about that arrest locally, but the Washington Free Beacon reported:
Borenstein’s arrest shows that the proliferation of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incidents and rhetoric is affecting American K-12 schools, not just college campuses.
Colorado’s media has been characteristically uncurious as to whether the antisemitic craze has spread to our own chronically pissed off protest class and their communist friends on campus.
However, The Gazette did a deep dive this week into how Colorado universities are dealing with free speech issues on both sides of the Israel-Hamas war.
Most all of Colorado’s higher education leaders made statements condemning hate speech towards the protesting Arabs launching hate speech bombs at Jews. Oh yeah, and antisemitism, that’s bad too, they acknowledged.
But what is clearly lacking from Colorado schools and nationwide is any instruction on the complexity of these events and history of the people involved in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
But history is always uncomfortable for those in ivory towers when it involves religion. Do universities still offer courses in religion anymore?
We’re still mystified that high school students no longer seem to be taught about WWII and the Holocaust. Instead, they’re learning that Nazis were not socialists, and that tax-cutting Republicans are Hitler.
When the Department of Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado Boulder has moral authority over military history and religious studies, we get statements like this posted on the university’s website accusing Israel of genocide.
“This statement affirms our unwavering and continued commitment to a free Palestine. We stand with our Palestinian students, faculty, staff, and broader community to demand an immediate ceasefire, as we continue to support complete liberation, de-occupation, decarceration, and decolonization of Palestine,” the department said.
On the other side of the spectrum, there’s Colorado Christian University unequivocally backing the state of Israel.
“I promise you — this university will continue to support Israel, her land, her state and her people,” said Eric Hogue, university president.
If people truly cared as much about the Palestinian people as they claim, they would want to see Hamas uprooted by the stem and Palestinians returned to a self-rule that no longer includes the mission of wiping the Jewish people off the face of the Earth.