Gov. Polis’s dreams of being Kamala Harris’s Number Two were shattered Tuesday with the news that an older straight white guy who leaned the farthest left of any contender won the veepstakes.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz out-dorked Polis by famously labeling Republicans as “weird,” which is just weird coming from a progressive who was endorsed by Bernie Sanders.

Walz was apparently chosen to be the white savior and help Kamala scoop up the remaining Caucasian dude voters in rural America who lean far left.

In choosing Walz over more moderate realistic contenders like U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly or Pennsylvania Gov. Shapiro, Harris doubled down on her far-left ideology while siding with radical pro-Palestinian protestors over Americans and Jews.

So when she tells you she’s progressive, you best belive her.

Walz is also known as a partisan and for his defense of sanctuary cities, letting Minneapolis burn during the 2020 riots that later became known as peaceful protests, and taxpayer funded socialist government programs.

Speaking of weird, Polis bizarrely promoted himself for the Veep seat in TV appearances, and famously touted himself as the choice for voters who prefer middle-age balding gay Jews from Boulder.

Ever the politician, Polis released this canned statement upon hearing the news of Kamala’s choice.

So Colorado is stuck with Polis for another two years, then he waits his turn for the open presidential seat in 2028 after Donald Trump finishes his second term.