A survey shows 90% of Coloradans believe the so-called affordable government run health insurance scheme known as Obamacare is too expensive and they want government to fix it.


It’s hard to blame people for their wayward thinking when the media fails on such a tragic level to keep their readers reliably informed instead of acting as a propaganda tool for Big Government.

The survey was sponsored by one of those rich progressive foundations whose names are said a lot on public radio that believes in a Big Government public healthcare system for the rest of us.

The poll questioned 1,400 Coloradans from March 26 through April 12. The results were reported by the Denver Gazette.

This is the big take-away:

Respondents said they strongly support government solutions, regardless of their political affiliation.

No one was asked if government helped create out-of-control costs or whether subsiding wildly inflated costs of life-saving drugs and medical care only made it even more expensive.

An overwhelming majority of households earning $50,000 to over $100,000 report worrying about the affordability of health care.

We don’t doubt it.

What’s unclear is whether they think government should clean up its mess and let the free market self-adjust to reasonable levels. Or, throw good money after bad and sink us all deeper into the abyss while politicians dole out election year promises to adjust the cost of maybe one or two medications.

Even worse, low income and disabled folks said they would pass on getting health care because it costs too much.

And aren’t those supposed to be the people already fully covered by government health care that’s paid for with our tax dollars?

It’s been nearly 15 years since Democrats passed the Affordable Health Care Act that’s emptied our pockets of trillions of our hard-earned dollars to create a health insurance system that would make it (checks notes) affordable for everyone.

Back in the olden days before Obama, the media used to wallow in government waste stories, regaling their readers with the absurdity of government waste and winning awards for their efforts.

Now they feel powerful by just pretending that ridiculous social media posts on X are the mouthpiece for whatever politician they hate and debunking their tabloid rantings and urban myths.