U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo claims Congress had a bipartisan border deal, but that President Trump wanted Republicans to sink it to keep the crisis going.

Our fact check shows this is a blatant lie.

The so-called border deal in a Senate bill to which she is referring did not have bipartisan support.

Only one Republican, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, voted in favor of it.

A singular person among hundreds of Republican lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol does not a bipartisan deal make.

Even the one Republican who originally co-sponsored the bill voted against it after Democrats loaded it up with tons of unreasonable language and questionable funding.

The reason why Republicans and Trump strongly opposed this measure that never had a snowball’s chance in Hell of their vote is not because this is an election year, it’s because of what was actually in the legislation.

You decide:

The bill would have codified the Biden and Harris administration’s catch and release of random border crossers into law and allowed up to two million illegal immigrants entry each year.

Only you won’t be able to call them illegal anymore, cause catch and release will have been legalized.

Another poison pill contained in the bill was continued funding for so-called Sanctuary Cities to house, feed, cloth, educate and transport those two million, plus the other border got-aways, because no immediate wall funding was included.

Instead of wall funding, the so-called immigration bill included another $60 billion to Ukraine.

Republicans were never going to go for that, either.

The highly partisan bill included millions in funding for private organizations to continue transporting illegals from the border to towns across the U.S. and Colorado.

Another non-starter for Republicans.

The bill included paying the legal fees of anyone seeking entry. That was a nope and a joke as most so-called asylum seekers aren’t here to escape persecution, but to find work.

Well, thanks to Biden and Harris, they’re now here to find work and get all the free housing, food, education, health care, and free legal fees.

The legislation did zip, nothing to deport illegal immigrants already in this country and committing crimes.

There were no improvements offered to the weak asylum screening process established by Biden and Harris.

Democrats loaded this bill up with so much bad policy knowing full well Republicans would never go for it, and then used their vote against it to blame them for the immigration crisis that continues under the failed leadership of (checks notes) Harris and Biden.

Hell, yes Trump took credit for helping to kill this mess of a bill!

A vote for this bill would only keep the crisis going, and make it permanent law.

This bill was a non-starter. Republicans instead supported the House Republican bill linked here. 

We give Caraveo five Pinocchio’s on this one.