Colorado is in the national headlines again, this time for halting the honorary flag program because it flew a state flag for the wrong group of gay activists upsetting our gay governor and gay newspaper, The Advocate.

Well, The Advocate used to be a newspaper for gays, now it represents the alphabet gang, and it was plenty pissed off when it saw Gays Against Groomers — like any member of the public — had requested and received one of the flags.

Gays Against Groomers had their gay card revoked and were labeled extremists for opposing the sexualization and indoctrination “of our youth and mutilation of children under the guise of radical ‘LGBTQIA+’ activism.”

So The Advocate had a hissy fit when the group bragged about their Colorado flag and honorary certificate from the governor on social media.

Lies! The Advocate declared, in an article that actually confirms Gays against Groomers did get the flag and certificate with Polis’s signature.

It’s all rather silly, but the result is that for now, no one can get a Colorado flag until changes are made to ensure the bad gays can no longer get Colorado flags through this taxpayer funded program.

From the Washington Post:

The request for Gays Against Groomers’ honorific flags at the Capitol “was not appropriately vetted,” according to the Colorado Department of Personnel and Administration, which reviews the requests. Following backlash and confusion over Gays Against Groomers’ social media posts about the honorary flags — a Colorado flag and a U.S. flag — the personnel department paused the program, pending “needed changes,” it said in a statement Tuesday.

It’s all so petty and ridiculous.

Meanwhile, The Washington Times reports a new survey from the Biden/Harris administration conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention casts doubt on how booming the transgender boom really is among U.S. youth.

Only 3.3% of high school students describe themselves as transgender, while 2.2% question their gender identity — most of whom were biological girls, the Times reported.

From the article:

The data also revealed a racial disparity: A higher proportion of White students identified as transgender than Black students. Most students — 94.5% — did not identify as transgender or questioning.


The survey comes with concerns surging about how to accommodate the growing number of students who identify as the opposite sex in sex-segregated areas such as restrooms, locker rooms, athletics and rooming assignments on field trips.

One thing is for sure, those kids, as members of the official LGBTQIA+ community, will be permitted to have the special Colorado flags under the new and improved guidelines that discriminates against wrong-think.

Or maybe they’ll just be charged less money for what has been a benefit to all Coloradans for decades.

That seems to be a new trend now in Colorado.