Thousands lined up for Donald Trump’s Aurora rally Friday but only 10,000 made it through the door to see the phenomenon that has every Democrat in Colorado pissing their pants.

Trump wasted no time telling the crowd Democrats are “ruining your state.”

Fact check: He isn’t wrong.

Kamala’s open border and mass migration policies have allowed millions of unvetted migrants to swamp the U.S., while Colorado progressives pried open our wallets to spend millions to keep up their sanctuary façade.

And now they had been hoisted by their own petard, with Trump in their front yard gloating about it.

All it took was one video to go viral showing the dark side of Democrat’s border policies, then boom!

Aurora is now the poster child for illegal migrant violence.

Trump’s critics were left stomping their feet up until, and throughout the rally at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center quibbling over Trump’s choice of words to describe the viral video of the Aurora apartment complex and criminal ongoings.

Because if everyone’s arguing over what kind of guns were being used or how many crimes, gang affiliations or just plain illegal immigrants that were to blame, then no one was pointing fingers at Democrats’ border policies that are causing massive problems in cities across the U.S.

Policies that still cost us millions, allow criminals into our country to do harm, and overwhelm our school systems, hospitals, and in some cases, apartment dwellings.

Kyle Clark from 9News was there at the rally.

Just so there was no mistaking his complete lack of objectivity, Clark wanted to be there in person with his bodyguard to mock Trump and his supporters on social media while safely ensconced inside the media section.

Meanwhile, Trump gave Polis a hard time for being Polis, but had kind words to say about local Republican leaders and candidates. We don’t recall hearing Dave Williams’ name, but it was a long day, we could have missed it.

For those who missed the speech because they had to work, there are plenty of options to find it on YouTube.

Aurora County Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky spoke before the rally, and had this message for neighboring Sanctuary City Denver:

“Aurora Colorado is not a sanctuary city. The millions of your dollars that were funneled to these nonprofits to place these people into my city. They came through Denver,” she said.

“And let me tell you something else — Denver had better start to keep to themselves. The time of Denver controlling the entire state. These days are over. They are over!”

From her lips to God’s ears, we say.

Colorado residents have been hassled and bullied into silence for years by the state’s Democrat overlords — called racists and haters, white nationalists and all kind of ugly names for daring to disagree with the left’s progressively reckless policies.

So for once, it was nice to see the left was vastly outnumbered by voters who are just plain tired of their shit.