President Biden signed a bill into law this week sponsored by Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert ordering the sale of 31 acres of federal land in Clifton to Mesa County for economic development purposes.
Not to take anything away from Boebert’s accomplishment, but we’re surprised that whoever it is running the country over at the White House these days would put one of her bill’s on the Resolute Desk for the old man’s signature.
So good for her, and Mesa County!
The Daily Sentinel reports the feds “withdrew” about 40 acres in the early 1900s as part of the Highline Canal construction, where it’s apparently sat unused ever since.
In 2021, the government decided it only needed about eight of those acres, and they’ve been hemming and hawing about what to do with it ever since.
Mesa County will have to pay the government fair market value for the land and then begin their own bureaucratic process of deciding what to do with it.
This is likely the last piece of legislation Boebert has in store for the Western Slope, as she is no longer their congresswoman. She was elected in November to serve constituents on the Eastern Plains.