How likely is Colorado to flip from a Democrat to GOP governor when Jared Polis is mercifully term-limited and can’t run for reelection this cycle?
According to political prognosticators of such things over at RRH Elections, Colorado ranks 19 out of 38 races likely to flip in 2026.
The shining beacon of hope this far out is the race is not seen as a “safe” Democrat seat, but it’s a “likely” Democrat seat.
Now the needle just needs to move to “leans” Democrat and then to that big, beautiful category of “tossup!”
Meanwhile, we like their analysis of the early presumed candidates on the Democrat side going down in flames.
From the report:
“One prominent Democrat is already formally in the race in AG Phil Weiser (D); however, he is unlikely to get a cleared primary. SoS Jena Griswold (D) is thought to be interested, and is transparently ambitious, but also a somewhat polarizing progressive figure.”
No two words in polite English conversation describe Griswold better than “transparently ambitious,” yet we would throw in “ruthlessly” just for accuracy.
Despite Colorado’s leftward slant into Hell, RRH reports that Republicans have a strong bench that could produce a tough opponent to the Democrat dynasty, including state Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer.
Other interested Republican candidates include State Sens. Mark Baisley and Paul Lundeen; former Speaker and current university regent Frank McNulty; former Arapahoe County District Attorney John Kellner, and; George Brauchler, who was elected in November as the DA in Douglas County.
Democrats already measuring the drapes in the governor’s office include U.S. Reps. Joe Neguse, Jason Crow and Brittany Pettersen.
RRH speculates current Lt. Gov. Primavera is a likely candidate, yet she’s done nothing in that position going on eight years except earn two salaries.
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston’s name is also being thrown around, just not close enough to the garbage can, yet.