For years conservatives have grumbled amongst themselves that there is no conservative group with the financial firepower and skilled operators that could take on the Pat Stryker brigade of the Colorado Democracy Alliance (CODA). Well, conservatives, grumble no more. The right has finally found its way.
A new 501(c)4 group known as Compass Colorado joined the fight yesterday, with a statewide robocall blasting the job-killing $3 Billion tax hike known as Prop 103 to over 100,000 voters. The group's press release included the script:
“Hi. This is Tyler Q. Houlton, President of Compass Colorado, calling you today to ask you to read the reckless fine print of Proposition 103. Proposition 103 is a 2.9 billion dollar tax hike on every Coloradan, including small businesses and working families. According to multiple economic studies, Proposition 103 will kill many thousands of Colorado jobs and stifle economic recovery.
Even Democrats like John Hickenlooper have refused to support this reckless measure. When asked about raising taxes in these difficult economic times, Hickenlooper simply said: “There’s no appetite to raise taxes.” Colorado cannot afford a 2.9 billion dollar tax increase in the middle of a jobs crisis. Election Day is November 1st. Please make your voice heard.
For more information on the economic perils of proposition 103, please visit This call was authorized and paid for by Compass Colorado.”
The head of the group, Tyler Houlton, is an experienced operative in Colorado politics, having worked for a who's who of Colorado politics in the last couple of years, from Congressman Mike Coffman to Tom Tancredo's Presidential campaign.
Our sources tell us the group will not lack for financial resources and will be a major player in educating Coloradans on the dismal economic policies of President Obama and the liberal set that believes higher taxes is the pathway to prosperity.
News of the group's formation garnered notice at the national level as well, with Politico's Morning Score noting the group will be focusing on national issues, in addition to local ones, in the future.
The founding of the group is a sign that conservatives are taking not just Colorado Democrats' outside firepower seriously, but that they plan on bringing every weapon they have to bear in the coming 14 months. While conservative outfits have come and gone with election cycles, this group appears to be settling in for the long-haul.
No longer will the alphabet soup of liberal special interest groups, from the CEA to the Liberal Loon Carol Hedges' FPI, have the airwaves, email listserves, and phone lines to themselves. Conservatives have a message of fiscal restraint, sound economic policy and reasonable regulatory structures that Coloradans need to hear.
Regarding Prop 103, if you wondered why so many legislative Democrats have been fearful of taking a position, it is because they worried groups like Compass Colorado might actually let their constituents know the effects of the disastrous policy. With Compass Colorado in the game, they might want to choose wisely.
For a reminder on what legislators have come out in support of the $3 Billion tax increase, click here.
Lets hope this group can actually sustain a record of accomplishment. That is the other ingredient Colorado Republicans typically miss.