Will Hick’s $10,000 from AFT Affect Dougco Intervention Decision?

On June 20 attorneys for the Douglas County Federation of Teachers (DCFT) filed a request with the Colorado Department of Labor to intervene in its dispute with the school board. It's not your run-of-the-mill labor dispute, either. As I pointed out here earlier,...

Dougco Union Power Not Worth Sticking Out a Neck?

In a superb column today, the Denver Post's Vincent Carroll raises a question that not long ago would have stretched the bounds of reason: Are these the final days for the Douglas County Federation of Teachers? With June 30 looming as the current collective...

Nudge, Nudge: CEA’s “Non-Itemized” Math

With the anticipated Democrat-imposed demise of House Bill 1333, which would have given Colorado teachers monthly discretion to opt in or out of a union, the legislation's biggest opponent — the Colorado Education Association — won a temporary victory....

Transparency for Higher Ed Struggles, Bears Fruit in K-12

A couple months ago I noted that Colorado's education transparency train was rolling forward. While the locomotive hasn't been derailed, since that time the engineer has pulled the brakes a couple times. HB 1118, the open union negotiations bill, was sent to...

How Serious is Douglas County Union about Open Negotiations?

On February 21 a Douglas County grassroots citizen group came forward and urged the reform-minded school board to open union negotiations to public observation. Two weeks later the Douglas County Federation (DCF) surprised many by adding the union's voice to...