Feb 9, 2012
While the GOP caucus contenders canvassed Colorado for votes over the last week, mostly at rallies and campaign speeches, two candidates spent some time addressing a critical policy issue for Colorado — energy. At the Consumer Energy Alliance 2012 Colorado...
Jan 12, 2012
Not in my backyard (NIMBY) politics is an unfortunate affliction that seems to affect folks across the political spectrum. It's a disease that harms economic progress and stirs up plenty of emotions and community anger. We're seeing this affliction rear its...
Jan 11, 2012
Not something you see everyday: the liberal Denver Post editorial board taking cities and counties across Colorado to task for attempting to implement damaging and unnecessary environmental regulations, including conservative El Paso County, who is still contemplating...
Nov 17, 2011
UPDATE: 9News anchor Kyle Clark brilliantly corrects the record, responding via Twitter to the Peak story saying “You’re correct. That was a graphics fail. Fracking fluid is not sprayed on the ground like Scotts Turf Builder.” Here’s to...