Sep 18, 2013
The billion dollar tax hike slated to be on the ballot this November won’t likely be the only political loser come Election Day. Governor John Hickenlooper’s support of the measure is all but assured to further erode the moderate image he’s sought to...
Aug 16, 2013
The campaign to raise income taxes by a billion dollars a year hit a major snag on their path to the ballot today, with Secretary of State Scott Gessler announcing his office’s review of a random sample of tax hike petition signatures did not meet the threshold...
Aug 14, 2013
Governor John Hickenlooper may be throwing his political weight behind the billion dollar tax hike campaign at a press conference tomorrow, but it appears he still has some of his liberal base to shore up on the issue. The Aspen Daily News reports that the Aspen...
Aug 12, 2013
When voters read the blue book explaining the ballot initiatives this November it’s safe to assume they won’t all be engrossed to the end. In all likelihood most probably won’t read past the first sentence. After all, the Pew Center on the States...
Aug 7, 2013
In what may be the 2014 version of Mitt Romney’s 47% comments, Governor Hickenlooper recently said that he believes politicians should be able to operate through back room deals away from the glare of public scrutiny. Hickenlooper’s remarks to Time...