The Soapbox
Opinion pieces from conservatives across the great State of Colorado. Have an opinion piece you’d like published? Email [email protected] and let’s talk.
Denver Post tells Democrats to order audit of Griswold’s Secretary of State office
Hell froze over this week as the Denver Post editorial board told Democrats to stop protecting Jena Griswold and order an audit of the Secretary of State’s office in the wake of the password online leak scandal. Yet still, it was the weakest call for transparency and...
Polis awards hefty contract to former Democrat chair violating his own law
Gov. Polis’s office violated state law in awarding a former employee a $14,000 monthly consultant gig in a no-bid contract the day after his temporary job ended. That’s according to the Ethics Commission based on a law championed by Polis that state employees be...
Gardner tapped for Senate Leadership Fund to help elect Republicans
A new day is dawning in the U.S. Senate with the departure of Mitch McConnell as the Republican leader, and that includes new leadership in the GOP’s fundraising arm to help elect new senators. Driving that effort will be former U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado,...
GOP voters couldn’t be bought in Colorado’s key congressional races
Turns out the values of Republicans voting in Colorado’s most contested congressional districts couldn’t be bought by Big Democrat dollars in the November election. Reports show that $24 million was spent to prop up Democrat Yadira Caraveo’s failed reelection effort...
Colo agencies hoarding $25 million unspent. We’d like a refund, please.
Nearly a dozen government agencies have $25 million just lying around in bank accounts going unspent and uncommitted to whatever great need was so necessary at the time to collect the money from Coloradans. That’s according to a new report by the Office of the State...
Report confirms Griswold’s office violated security rules prior to election
Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s strategy to avoid scrutiny by state lawmakers of an election security breach by hiring her own “outside investigators” paid off as Democrats shut down further review in a party line vote. The “outside investigation” was released by...
Ethics committee to investigate Democrat senator’s mistreatment of staff
The Senate Ethics Committee will investigate complaints that Democrat state Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis has repeatedly mistreated her legislative staffers when the new session begins in January. Meanwhile, fellow Democrat leaders are removing the lawmaker from all...
Taxpayers spending $51 million for illegal migrants to give birth in Colorado
Colorado’s working families struggling to cover their health insurance costs will be interested to learn the tax dollars docked from their paychecks will also go towards Medicaid for illegal migrants beginning in January. We feel better al — cough cough cough — ready....
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