The Soapbox

Opinion pieces from conservatives across the great State of Colorado. Have an opinion piece you’d like published? Email [email protected] and let’s talk.

Democrats spend $500,000 to help elect GOP candidate on Western Slope

Democrats spend $500,000 to help elect GOP candidate on Western Slope

Why are Democrats investing a half million dollar in advertising to elect Ron Hanks in this week’s Republican primary for the 3rd  Congressional District representing the Western Slope? Conversely, why is the national Republican Party swooping in with an advertising...

Hundreds of Pro Palestinian protestors hijack Denver Pride Parade

Hundreds of Pro Palestinian protestors hijack Denver Pride Parade

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protestors crashed the weekend Denver pride parade that had already been hijacked by the Democrat Party and mainstream corporations, teacher unions and high school bands. Happy #PrideMonth! As Colorado’s largest workers’ compensation...

WalletHub: Denver ranks as one of the worst run cities in the U.S.

WalletHub: Denver ranks as one of the worst run cities in the U.S.

Denver came in almost dead last in the new rankings from WalletHub of the best run cities in the nation, coming in at 141 out of 148. The only cities that sucked worse than Denver were Tacoma, Cleveland, Flint, New York, Gulfport, and Oakland. Surprising no one, San...

Ethical questions hound Colo socialist Democrat’s reelection campaign

Ethical questions hound Colo socialist Democrat’s reelection campaign

State Rep. Elisabeth Epps is raising eyebrows for continuing her other job leading a criminal justice nonprofit that lobbies state lawmakers, because it’s such an obvious conflict of interest doncha think? As executive director of the Colorado Freedom Fund, Epps hired...

Wolf advocate gets slap on the wrist for illegal lobbying in Colorado

Wolf advocate gets slap on the wrist for illegal lobbying in Colorado

An advocate for wolves who broke the state’s lobbying law in pursuit of legislation to restrict livestock protections got a slap on the wrist by Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office. Stephen Capra was handed a measly $250 fine after admitting he broke the law and...

Colo cake baker targeted for lawsuit reeks of political grandstanding

Colo cake baker targeted for lawsuit reeks of political grandstanding

Democrats aren’t serious people. They can’t run for election to public office on pledges to keep an economy strong, protect voters from criminals, or secure the border against a flood of millions of migrants. Instead, we get this. I wouldn't count on justice being...

Presidential Primary
















General Election






