The Soapbox
Opinion pieces from conservatives across the great State of Colorado. Have an opinion piece you’d like published? Email [email protected] and let’s talk.
Polis mocks ranchers, likens deer eating flowers to wolves killing dogs and livestock
Gov. Polis finally pulled his head out of … the sand and responded to the growing chorus of condemnation from rural Coloradans over his penchant for turning predatory creatures loose on the Western Slope. Wait. False alarm. The governor was just being a smart ass and...
Colo’s $90 million migrant bill for free computers, phones, 6 months’ rent, food
The Denver welcome wagon for Biden’s border busters to the land of the free stuff includes a complimentary computer with a prepaid cell phone, plus six months’ rent, food, utilities and all the metro bus passes that no one else wants. But the Gold Welfare Package paid...
Colorado GOP voter guide: How to pick the best candidate
Democrats have the media marching in lockstep with the party to tell their voters which candidates to support, but how are Colorado’s 900,000 Republicans supposed to get the best information upon which to base their decision? The only traditional regional newspaper in...
Socialist to lead investigation of fellow Dem for showing up drunk at hearing
State lawmakers say they will investigate the ethics complaint against Faith Winter, the Democrat assistant majority leader in the Senate, for showing up intoxicated at a public hearing to defend one of her controversial bills. But will this be a legit investigation?...
Big Government: Polis vetoes just 6 of 525 bills passed by Democrat legislature
Removing any doubt that Jared Polis is a libertarian leaning Democrat who opposes big government, the governor signed into law all but six bills passed by state lawmakers this session. Hold onto your wallets, because the Democrat dominated state legislature passed a...
Democrat Pettersen accused of being a genocidal war criminal by protesting lefties
It was only a matter of time before Colorado Democrats started eating their own this election season and protesting political events. Their target this week is U.S. Rep. Brittany Pettersen, whose campaign kick-off in Lakeside was crashed by the anti-American,...
Polis burns up tax dollars and carbon credits for Nordic junket
Gov. Polis is leading a junket to several Scandinavian countries at an untold cost to taxpayers to meet with unknown investors and convince them to invest in Colorado’s economy in order to punch their free travel tickets. The propaganda mission is to convince the...
Colorado Dems in denial over newly convicted felon, Hunter Biden
Colorado Democrats have been in a fitful state of denial since Dear Leader’s son was found guilty of breaking one of their priority gun laws that progressives claim keeps guns from killing people. Kyle Clark of 9News didn’t rush to a microphone to call Hunter Biden a...
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