The Soapbox
Opinion pieces from conservatives across the great State of Colorado. Have an opinion piece you’d like published? Email [email protected] and let’s talk.
Scientist manipulated Colo drinking water tests for years before coverup ensued
A government scientist in the Polis administration is accused of intentionally reporting inaccurate testing data pertaining to certain metals in the state’s drinking water since 2020. But not to worry, state officials assure Denver news outlets in a written statement....
Coloradans must wait till December to officially celebrate GOP statehouse wins
Coloradans will have to wait until next month to officially pop the cork and celebrate denying Democrats yet another supermajority control of the State House. That’s because the Weld County recount for the close race between Republican leader Dan Woog over...
Trump picks Coloradan to lead mission and restore affordable energy
President-elect Trump signaled his commitment to restore the nation’s affordable and reliable energy security in choosing Chris Wright, the CEO of Denver-based Liberty Energy, to be his energy secretary. Wright is a tech nerd turned entrepreneur who says he is...
Polis goes from insurrection-lite to siding with Trump and pissing off everyone
Jared Polis’s 2028 president campaign got off to a rocky start this week when he alienated his Democrat base in praising the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to lead Trump’s national health agency. “He helped us defeat vaccine mandates in Colorado in 2019 and will...
Griswold’s aide admits they tried keep password leak a secret from election clerks
A leaked recording reveals the deputy Secretary of State telling election clerks they didn’t plan to inform them of the online password security breach because it would cause a media frenzy of bad publicity. We’re not sure which is more shocking. That Jena Griswold’s...
Feds indict Mobolade supporters for bogus KKK hate crime to help him win election
Supporters of Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade staged a cross-burning hate crime during the election runoff last year to help the Nigerian native win and then planned to collect political favors for their KKK plot, an indictment reveals. The three perpetrators of...
Polis anoints himself guardian of democracy, but only for some people
Gov. Polis has anointed himself the guardian of democracy along with fellow millionaire Gov. J.B. Pritzker by fashioning an insurrection-lite movement to foil the national mandate of draining Washington, D.C.'s political swamp. The duo formed a coalition called...
Campaign donors work at law firm Griswold first hired to investigate password leak
The firm hired by Secretary of State Jena Griswold to conduct an “outside investigation” into the massive password leak by her office also employed lawyers who had donated to her campaign. Oops. Colorado Public Radio reports the Denver firm of Garnett Powell Maximon...
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