Bid farewell to 30-round standard capacity magazines, at least in Colorado, starting July 1. But, before then, on June 29, join Second Amendment supporters for a sending off event featuring live entertainment from Matt Buckstein and Flash Cadillac, with a special appearance by conservative talk show host, Dana Loesch.
The first 1,500 attendees through the gate will receive a free Magpul Gen M2 MOE 30rd magazine featuring either the Free Colorado or Boulder Airlift design, courtesy of Magpul Industries.
Here are the details:
What: A Farewell to Arms Freedom Festival
When: Saturday, June 29th, Doors open at 4:00 p.m., Mag Drop at 5:00 p.m., event ends at 8:00 p.m.
Where: Infinity Park, 4599 East Tennessee Avenue, Glendale, CO 80246
Tickets: $5 per person to attend, $15 for attendance and one PMAG® 30 AR/M4 GEN M2 MOE®, 5.56x 45 Magazine, $25 for attendance and two PMAG® 30 AR/M4 GEN M2 MOE®, 5.56x 45 Magazine, $35 for attendance and three PMAG® 30 AR/M4 GEN M2 MOE®, 5.56x 45 Magazine.
Pre-purchase strongly suggested – supply is limited. Attendee ticket required to enter event.
Event registration and pre-purchase of Magpul magazines available at
It Was Great! I was there.
Gotta attend!