Dan Maes is a fraud. A delusional loser who gets coverage not because he matters or is relevant — in fact, the opposite. The Peak, Westword and others have covered his latest rantings and ravings because he is a laughing stock. He's become the Republican Party and Liberty movement's village idiot. There really is no other statewide candidate in the country, save for Basil Marceux, who is able to spew such unimaginably insane bullcrap without any sense for how little people think of him.
Today we felt the need to weigh in because he decided to spew his contemptuous claptrap at two important grassroots leaders, Jason Worley of Grassroots Radio and Broomfield 9.12, and Lesley Hollywood of the Northern Colorado Tea Party. Upset that they both chucked him overboard like the rest of Colorado, he accuses them of corruption and selling out. Of all things you could say about Jason and Lesley, corrupt and sell out are two words that don't come to mind.
In fact, Jason and Lesley have been aboveboard, honest and fiercely independent in their leadership of their groups, sometimes much to the chagrin of the Republican Party and it's elected officials. The difference between these two leaders and Dan Maes is they matter. While we don't always agree with them on every topic, we respect their opinion and so do a large following of other conservatives across Colorado.
Here's another important grassroots group, Hear Us Now, on the Maes missive against Jason:
You are a pitiful, small man, bitter in every bone. You demonstrate your bitterness and your Lilliputian sized amount of integrity by attempting to smear a known, rock solid, organization and individual. You see, everyone in the Colorado liberty movement knows what Broomfield 912 is made of and what motivates them. Everyone in the Colorado liberty movement knows what Jason Worley is made of and what motivates him. By attacking Broomfield 912 and Jason Worley, you have left no doubt as to what you, Dan Maes, are made of and what motivates you.
The attack on Lesley Hollywood is almost worse. That's because Lesley gave Maes more chances than he deserved to prove he wasn't a fraud. She even asked people to look honestly at Tom Tancredo's record when Tancredo first got in and judge for themselves whether he had always voted as a conservative. She tried as hard as humanly possible to be a fair arbiter, and yet he throws her under the bus. Funnily enough, he forgot that she did end up chucking him, saying he "forgets" who she ended up supporting. Google, like spell check or excel spreadsheets for mileage logs, is another technical tool apparently out of Maes's intellectual grasp.
Dan Maes is a megalomaniac who reminds us a little bit of Jim Jones, minus a following and kool-aid. He's like a Christine O'Donnell with an extra chromosome who no one donated to.
We don't plan on addressing him again, unless it is to ruthlessly mock him. Because it's just so easy. And it's Friday.
why does he act like everyone should have bowed at his feet just because he was the nominee?
He only won by less than 1%, and even that was with 17,000 undervotes (that obviously would’ve otherwise [or in large part] gone to McInnis, hence why they didn’t vote for Maes). But thank you Denver Post and Channel 7 for costing us the shot at the Gov’s Mansion. Idiots.
I really don’t understand why he keeps trying to insert his voice into the political scene. And for that matter, I don’t know why people keep letting him.
Fascinating. How did Mr. Maes become the Republican nominee for governor without a following? And can you elaborate on what thought process Colorado Republicans followed in choosing a “delusional” “village idiot” to be their standard-bearer in the 2010 statewide election, and is that thought process still being followed in selecting Republican candidates? Also, in comparing the Republican gubernatorial nominee to a notorious cult leader, what are you implying about the GOP rank-and-file voters? … Thank you, and I have 17 follow-up questions.
Liberty movements were looking for the anti-politician and Maes did a good job as portraying himself as such. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of dollars in liberal special interest funded ads and endless Denver Post stories convinced voters that McInnis plagiarized the water papers. It played into the stereotype of McInnis just being another politician, which McInnis seemed to fit.
Well it comes out now that he was not responsible at all. The courts have absolved him of any responsibility. Seeme Hasan and Rollie Fisher “forgot” about the communication that would have proved his innocence.
Liberty movements have grown quite a bit in the last two years. We won’t make that same mistake again.
This is where the Tea Party has proven more harmful than helpful. They didn’t realize he was loony until it was too late.
Love it. Let’s see, Dan Maes has attacked the GOP, Democrats, and just about everyone in the liberty movement. His constituency consists of one person, himself. If he keeps this up his own family is going to come out against him.