House Speaker Frank McNulty and Senate Republican leaders Mike Kopp and Bill Cadman won huge concessions from Democrats as part of the budget deal from earlier this week, and now the usual bed wetting suspects on the ultra-Left are up in arms.

Collateral damage for these attacks by the liberal intelligentsia are none other than Governor Hickenlooper and Senate president Brandon Shaffer, both who signed off on the bipartisan deal.

Recall, Republicans won the roll back of three significant Ritter-era tax increases as part of the final deal.

For that, Carold Hedges came unhinged — OK, more unhinged than she was already.

From the Fiscal Policy Institute's (grammatically-challenged) tirade:

The budget is loaded with devastating cuts that have received little or no attention. Those cuts have been aggravated by the JBC's decision to include reducing measures in the budget-balancing plan that accompanies the Long Bill, Senate Bill 11-209.

Republicans take a different view. After the jump is how Senate Republicans describe the bipartisan budget deal.


1. A balanced state budget without new business taxes

2. Maintains a 4% reserve in the General Fund, up from 2.3% in current year budget

3. Unlike last year, there are no fee-based cash funds transferred to the General Fund

4. Restores $51 million of the $71 million vendor fee to business , with $20 million to the state general fund each year for three years and the vendor fee restored fully after three years

5. Restores the Ag Tax exemption effective July 1, 2011

6. Phases out the software tax over the next three years

7. Reduces $545 million from various state agency budgets, including reductions in funds available to state agencies for salaries and personal services ($20.7 million)

8. Reduces state government personnel budget by 750.5 FTE

9. Maintains the 2.5% PERA swap for state employees — meaning state employees pay more into their retirement fund and the taxpayers pay less

10. Reduces K-12 funding by $232 million, $133 million less than last year’s cut of $365 million

11. Maintains a State Education Fund reserve of over $100 million.

Unfortunately for Hick and Shaffer, the left has discovered that Republicans, for all the disagreements fabricated by reported on by Tim Hoover, still managed to be united enough to claim big victories in final negotiations.

Want to bet whether Mr. Hoover covers Carol Hedges outburst? Don't bet the ranch.

Add it up, and Republicans come out with policy and political victories galore. For that, Carol Hedges is perfectly unhinged — even more unhinged than usual.