It appears the Peak post from last week compiling a list of legislators who support the job-killing Prop 103 tax hike found more than just us frustrated with the tax hike hidey holes many legislators have put themselves in. In response to the article, a Democrat operative who runs the Politicomm Twitter account, Seth Ford, emailed the Peak and apparently BCC'd a bunch of Democrat legislators seeking support for the initiative. Despite an initial silence from Democrats, a few have slowly crawled out of their hidey holes to come out in support of the tax hike to the Peak.
From Ford's email:
I am proud to stand with Colorado's legislative leaders in supporting revenue increases for education.
To all Coloradans: If you support leadership, like that of Senator Rollie Heath, please follow me on Twitter, Friend me on Facebook and connect with me on LinkedIn then forward this email (or draft your own) to your friends, supporters, constituents, members, teachers, professors, students, employees and employers. Finally, email [email protected] to be added to their list of TRUE Blue Patriots (see below).
First to respond was Rep. Nancy Todd (D-Aurora), who circulated petitions for state Senator Rollie Heath's $3 Billion tax hike, which is now formally known as Prop 103 on this November's ballot.
This morning, Ford forwarded us an email in support of the initiative from Rep. Beth McCann (D-Denver). She also gathered signatures to get Prop 103 on the ballot. Hopefully she had enough sense not to lie to people like one of Rollie's paid signature gatherers did when caught on tape.
From McCann's email:
You can add me to the list of supporters. I carried a petition to get this on the ballot. Rep. McCann
Representatives Todd and McCann have shown some stones — maybe it's time Governor Hickenlooper and the rest of the Capitol legislators did the same.
Governor Hickenlooper — saying a tax hike in a recession is a tough sell does not a position make. Voters may have "no appetite" for the tax hike, but are you hungry for one?
Now it's no longer coming from us, but a bipartisan chorus of observers sick of tax hike hidey holes. It's deciding time.
Feel free to email [email protected] if you know of any other legislators, or even the Governor himself, that would like to join the supporter list.