People who write political emails are aware that often times they aren't opened or if they are, people merely scan them, rather than reading them like they would a message from a friend or co-worker. Knowing that, it seems rather odd for Sal Pace's (D-Urination) Congressional campaign to blast out an email to his list with the subject: "Tell Tipton YOU Deserve a Tax Cut." At a time when his party is desperately trying to push through a $3 Billion tax increase with Prop 103, the highest ranking state House Democrat is seemingly sabotaging their efforts with a decidedly anti-tax increase message.
Adding to Pace's blitz, his email is chock full of attacks on tax increases in general, telling his supporters that Colorado families can't afford ANY tax hikes. Here's a few select lines:
Join the fight! Sign our petition and add your name — tell Scott Tipton that Colorado's working families can't afford a tax hike!
…Sign before MIDNIGHT tonight and add your voice — tell Scott Tipton that regular Coloradans can’t afford a tax hike!
This 2% payroll tax hike makes no sense economically. Our working families need as much income as they can — not only to support themselves, but to re-invest in our economy.
We wonder what Rollie Heath thinks of this, since he claims working families CAN afford a tax hike.
Pace has hidden like Hickenlooper on Prop 103, trotting out the line that people don't have an appetite for tax increases, while refusing to take a position himself.
Based on the statements in his campaign email we don't understand how his supporters could think he is anything but opposed to Prop 103.
Maybe someone in the press can get Pace to clarify — if working families CAN'T afford a tax hike then how can they afford Prop 103? Or is Pace okay with an initiative being passed that families can't afford?
unless you’re hard right, one doesn’t regard sales tax and payroll tax as the same thing. Conflating the two is known as a “false equivalence.”
being the operative phrase. Although I’m sure you got an ‘A’ in your community college Logic class (don’t worry Bam Bam’s got the tab!), you seem to disregard the obvious false equivalence: federal and state taxes. Or maybe is it Congress and the State House? Sorry I can’t seem to figure it out, my degrees are in a worthwhile field.
In any event, Sally “Piss Boy” Pace, has some serious flaws you should’ve addressed. Colorado families can afford state taxes, just not federal taxes? He needs to take positions on federal issues, because he’s a state rep? (and avoid state issues, of course?)
Again, sorry if I misunderstood “false equivalence,” but please understand I didn’t graduate with a liberal arts degree; so as you can understand I don’t get the luxury of sitting home collecting welfare checks contemplating these vital questions all day. Nor have I come up with a quote to end my comments, as you and Matt Arnold have been fortunate enough to do. Feel free to cut and paste as you see fit, as midterms approach.
then I’m skeptical that the study of logic was something you’ve practiced.
Try to follow – this diary is trying to show that Pace is some kind of hypocrite because he criticizes Tipton’s position on the payroll tax, while apparently supporting prop 103, which is sales tax. I’m addressing the fact that the differences between the two kinds of tax make this conclusion false, because it rests on the false equivalence of the two kinds of tax.
BTW, who is Matt Arnold? I’ve never heard of him.
And, good luck with your “piss boy” thing. I really don’t see how something he did as a dumb kid is going to haunt him now. Heck, did Bill Ritter’s accident in Africa stop him from winning in 2006?
As Stu Rothenberg said in his Roll Call piece today, Pace will be have to be a different person to different parts of the 3rd CD.
All the GOP has to do is point out the many Sal Paces that his campaign is selling.
Based on this post, it looks like Pace will struggle to get away with it.