Colorado Democrats have not had a good year recruiting legislative candidates and that trend appears to be continuing in the newly-drawn HD-28 in Lakewood. The first Democrat candidate to declare in the district was Brian Carroll, who was bought off by the state party from pursuing his primary challenge versus Andy Kerr. Enter stage left Brittany Pettersen, a career Democrat operative who is set to challenge Carroll in what could shape up to be a nasty primary for liberals.
Pettersen should be a familiar name to Pols Trolls as she was a staffer on James Mejia's failure of a Mayoral campaign, and is currently a “community organizer”/field director/16th Street Mall harasser. Astute political observers would also note her connection to Andy Szekeres on Mejia's campaign, which further fuels speculation as to why either Carroll is running/or why Democrats are so hell-bent on challenging him at every step. Pettersen has few credentials to represent the district outside her extensive campaign and “community organizing” experience, so it stands to reason that she was the recipient of heavy establishment-Democrat pressure to challenge Carroll in the race.
One has to wonder why Colorado Democrats are so worried about Carroll's campaign. Does he have some skeletons in his closet that they are worried about (no pun intended)? Pettersen has already netted nearly $3,500 in her ActBlue account and she won't even officially declare her campaign until Friday at the Paradise Cove in Lakewood at 6 PM.