A majority of voters in key battleground states, including Colorado, overwhelmingly rebuff more gun laws as a solution to killings like the one in Aurora earlier this summer, recent NYT/CBS polls conducted by Quinnipiac University found.
Hey Congressman Perlmutter, you might want to tone your curtailing of gun rights rhetoric down.
From one news account of the poll, per Politico:
Half of Coloradans, 44 percent of Virginians and 48 percent of Wisconsinites think the laws should be kept the same. Less than 10 percent in each state think the laws should be made less strict. Among likely voters in gun-owning households, about 6 in 10 think the laws should be kept the same in all three states, and around a quarter think the laws should be tougher.
Regardless of changes in the law, voters in the three states don’t think future mass shootings can be stopped by laws. Two-thirds of likely voters in Colorado…don’t think stricter laws can stop future attacks. [Peak emphasis]
With the exception of Perlmutter and safe incumbents like Carolyn McCarthy and Dianna DeGette, it has been notable that Democrats have shied away from the gun debate, even though the Aurora shooting involved high capacity magazines and semi-automatic guns, favorite targets of the gun control lobby.
For this, there are two possible explanations… 1) Most Democrats have changed their mind on the need for more gun laws, or 2) Democrats have really good pollsters.
Because 2/3 of Coloradans don't think more gun laws are a solution. And neither do we.
(Pic of conservative blogger Kelly Maher and Daily Caller editor David Martosko celebrating gun rights at the Independence Institute's ATF summer picnic)