A recent Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) request asking for communications between the folks who filed an ethics complaint about Democratic Governor John Hickenlooper’s use of a state-owned plane to transport top donors and the Secretary of State’s office shows that there might be more legs to the story that originally thought. Here’s an excerpt from the request from Mark Grueskin’s associate, Martha Tierney:
“All documents and communications, regardless of format and including but not limited to letters, lists, memoranda, and email, sent to or by the Colorado Secretary of State (or the Secretary of State’s staff, regardless of whether such correspondence was sent from an official or personal email account or otherwise), and received or sent by Jason Worley, Ken Clark, grassrootsradioco@yahoo.com, Alexander Hornaday or any other person with the @hornadaylaw.com email address, since January 1, 2013, concerning expenditures and expenses by state officials, including the Governor or the Office of the Governor.”
Unfortunately for Grueskin and Tierney, their fishing expedition came up empty handed as the office hadn’t sent or received any communication on the topics requested.
But, the CORA request makes us wonder…. What were Grueskin and Tierney looking for? Are there more potential ethics violations that keep Team Hick up at night? Our curiosity almost makes us want to dig a little deeper for the information Grueskin originally thought Worley, Clark, and Hornaday sought.