The thought of losing one’s home to foreclosure surely strikes fear in the hearts of struggling families in Colorado.  That’s what makes the actions of Democratic funding machine foreclosure factory, The Castle Law Group (aka Castle Stawiarski) so despicable.  According to a Denver Post story:

“Those charges, which homeowners in the state’s largest counties unnecessarily had to pay to bring their property out of the foreclosure process, totaled more than $40,000. The law firms billed the charges to be reimbursed for having filed the lawsuit and posted a legal notice about it, records show.

Although the fees were very real, the cases and the notices were not.”

Yes, you read that right.  Families who were financially in a bind were made to pay “phantom” court fees to save their homes from foreclosure for cases that The Castle Law Group (and others) never filed.  These were homeowners who really didn’t have the scratch to pay extraneous fees, according to The Post:
“Homeowners interviewed by The Post said they paid the full tab to cure their foreclosure — money that many said they scraped together from friends and family at the most vulnerable time in their lives — because they believed they had no other choice.”

Although, perhaps faux fees from this group shouldn’t come as a surprise.  This is the same group whose managing partner, Deanne Stodden, was featured in a campaign ad for Democratic Congressman Ed Perlmutter as a so-called Republican despite having donated only to Democratic candidates. So odd.

But, that wasn’t the first time the Peak has reported on The Castle Law Group either.  Last year, during the presidential election, President Obama criticized his opponent Mitt Romney’s donors’ professions, but as it turned out the Chairwoman of the Denver Democratic Party was a lawyer at Castle Stawiarski, a veritable foreclosure factory. That’s the same Castle, Meinhold, and Stawiarski that was Democratic Ed Perlmutter’s third largest donor, according to

Just another example of Democrats looking out for the middle class themselves.