It looked like a mob scene with nearly 200 angry and bitter union activists flooding a Jefferson County School Board meeting this morning. Controversial superintendent Cindy Stevenson asked to be let out of her contract early and the board obliged. From a Jeffco Students First press release:
“The meeting grew contentious when supporters of Dr. Stevenson began shouting at the board. Security requested that the meeting be adjourned for the safety of all. Union leaders had sent out a memo to their membership requesting them to show up to this morning’s meeting, wearing black shirts and prepared to shout “No” and “Recall.” Around 200 supporters showed up to answer the call.”
Unfortunately, the unions have tried to spin this as Stevenson being forced out and Stevenson, all too willing to oblige, told the media that she “can’t manage this district with this board.” What a pathetic way to end her tenure – with her pettiness showing. The truth is that Stevenson approached the board about the board buying out the rest of her contract because she had a job with Colorado Association of School Executives and the board agreed in the interest of a smooth transition. But, never let a transition go smoothly and without attempts to score political points, right Cindy?
After Jefferson County voters ushered in a pro-reform board in November, the union-backed Stevenson announced that she would retire at the end of the 2013-2014 school year on June 30. There is some speculation that this manufactured political drama is a precursor to an attempt to recall the pro-reform Jeffco School Board.
Of course, we have to ask – how does a pro-teachers union school board help kids? The answer? It does them a disservice by putting irrational union demands ahead of kids’ education.
I came on to your page because I found it commendable for standing up at the recent DCSD board meeting for what I think is right as well. People can agree to disagree. While looking at this post I was just curious if you thought that Fagen was a good leader. And I'm not looking to debate I am actually curious.
Regan Benson This makes no sense. Are you suggesting teachers work for free?
James Peabody Let's see the stroke of a computer key to check membership in the union so that dues can be collected is irrational. And requring that a person be given just cause for firing rather than, let's see someone like you firing a teacher because they are a member of the union. After someone has spent four years in college and works hard and because a principal or other administrator doesn't like his or her politics or some other personal reason he/she should be fired. Sounds fair to me.
Linda Scott Pelon, you know nothing about what teachers do and the the union of which they are a part. One does not go into education without caring about kids! Adminstrators forced teachers to unionize due to giving teachers things like no planning periods, twenty minute lunches, and piling on more and more agendas that have nothing to do with good teaching. The problem with education, ufortunately, is that everyone goes to school for 12 years and, therefore, one thinks he or she is an expert. Would you agree ther are bad doctors? When do you see them run out of the profession? Bad lawyers? Bad policmen? Bad businsess men? Are ther bad teachers, yes. But there are bad administrators and bad school board members as well, and we are seeing a bad BOE right now. Finally, the testing we are putting our kids through is just putting millions into the pockets of testing corporatons and acheiving nothing.
Were putting so much money into the teacher board and putting all of our attention on them. What happened to the care of the students and doing it for them despite of the politics and opinions other individuals bring in. I wasnt one to be that interested in stuff regarding the schools but when we forget about the students sake and focus on drama within the higher people involved it really frustrates me and makes me wonder if their doing it for the paycheck or if their involved for the progression of the learners like they should be. Its kind of sad.
Concerned and paid for by the Union…. Do NOT let them pull the wool over your eyes. Unless you are a Union supporter and want your children taught to the "Common Core" standard by substandard educators…
Regis University? You mean the Pay for Degree University don't you? Also if you belong to the Union you ARE a thug! Either you are a Communist, a communist sympathizer or just to pathetic to stand up for the children you “supposedly” teach…
Which units did you serve in? Where were you deployed? And most importantly do you even know the Constitution?
hey JR. Noticed you took our thread down. What, was my position to heavy for you, too accurate, too much of what your ignorant butt doesn't want to hear. Pretty lame JR, I respected your opinion and then you attack me with propaganda and opinions via text while at the same time posting on FB making erroneous statements about me and my opinions. When you grow up and quit hiding behind your wife perhaps a adult conversation could be had but I doubt that will happen.
Am I to understand that it is irrational for teachers to expect to be paid? And "or else" what? My husband has lived in Jeffco since 1970, and he can recall no time when teachers have gone on strike in this district…even though their pay has been frozen on several occasions over those four decades.
Jen Raiffie I respectfully disagree. I will support the BOE in any direction they want to go as long as they have the best interests of my students in mind. Anything I feel is going to hurt my students, I will respectfully disagree with and respectfully make it known that I disagree. I refuse to "pack up my toys" and go home. So you can be as mean and hateful as you want, but I am not going anywhere.
Oh that was a mistake JR- Frank Shelley Shooter- is not going to appreciate this. I don't think it's a good idea to be attacking in this fashion. I've given you the most gentle warning possible- Frank doesn't hide.
#1 that you pay them or else.
Frank "Shelly" Shooter- Ms Benson incapable of fighting her own battles she's got to sick her girlfriend on this issue. Indifferent to you and your politics so bugger off!!
Amanda Stevens Out of curiosity what is your allegiance to a habitual liar that masquerades behind a union in order to create chaos and destruction? An award initiated by her friend Sue Marinelli launched into the national spotlight by the organization she's going to work for? Very bizarre the lengths people go to in order to praise this woman- a habitual liar.
Kay, Cindy refused to adjust. Cindy made the request.. The BOE granted the request. Voters spoke. They elected a new Board and want a new direction. Deal with it or follow Cindy and relocate.
Linda, thank you! I completely agree that there is room for both sides to increase their respect for one another and their differing opinions. I've seen bad behavior by both sides and it really is to the detriment of education and our kids. I think what is best for kids is for adults to get along and set good examples. I also agree that there needs to be a way to get rid of bad teachers. Unfortunately, basing a teacher's effectiveness solely on test scores is not the way to do it. Should teachers be accountable? Absolutely! But kids are not robots and test scores are not the only measure of student achievement and teacher effectiveness. I have taught for 19 years and I have seen more good teachers driven out by unfair expectations, an unreasonable workload, and poverty level salaries than I have seen bad teachers protected by the union. However, I know parents and students who have had experiences with bad teachers and of course, that is going to influence one's point of view, just as my experiences influence mine.
Frank "Shelly" Shooter?- you are clearly a fool and don't deserve any further attention. Get a clue douchebag and understand that this issue revolves around the cowards who hold meetings in secret and then force agendas on the minority and our precious county. Are you secretly Ms Williams posting here to again hide you coward!
*profession not prodess #autotex
Julie, don't let these thugs get to you. Keep up the great work. Change is hard. Parents take note at their tolerance, #LiberalLove, and disgusting and threatening behavior. #Bullies #Unprofessional What other prodess treated such behavior w/o consequences. Pay attention and know these may be with who you are entrusting your children for up to 6-8 hours a day.
Kay Gresko-Evans – You are correct when you imply that name calling is not productive – I would agree and should not have used the term "thugs" in my initial response – I was just so upset by what happened at the meeting after reviewing the video. The only name calling and yelling was coming from Stevenson supporters. Bottom line is I wish both sides on education issues would treat the other with respect and be willing to listen. I am not a union supporter – have never seen any good come out of them – but that aside – I am a parent who very much supports teachers and wants a good education for my kids – for great teachers to be fairly compensated and rewarded – but at the same time – get the bad teachers out – they should not be protected just because of their union membership to the detriment of our kids. Jeffco voters spoke loud and clear they wanted change and those opposed need to respect that and give the new members a chance before they crucify them.
Kay Gresko-Evans
Yeah, I am sure the thousands of teachers who belong to their association got into teaching because they care nothing about kids! Give me a break! Name calling and finger pointing is so productive. Someone explain to me why every other profession is allowed to have an association that advocates for their profession but teachers are not!? For example, the Jefferson County Realtors Association. I have never once heard them referred to as "those Realtor thugs!" Yet they too are involved in the political realm. And those of you non-teachers who are obsessed with test scores and seem to believe your children's success is only measured by a test score? I would question your parenting long before I would question someone's teaching!
Yeah, I am sure the thousands of teachers who belong to their association got into teaching because they care nothing about kids! Give me a break! Name calling and finger pointing is so productive. Someone explain to me why every other profession is allowed to have an association that advocates for their profession but teachers are not!? For example, the Jefferson County Realtors Association. I have never once heard them referred to as "those Realtor thugs!" Yet they too are involved in the political realm. And those of you non-teachers who are obsessed with test scores and seem to believe your children's success is only measured by a test score? I would question your parenting long before I would question someone's teaching!
Good Morning Miss Heffley, allow me to introduce myself, Ernest F. Shelley at your service. You were so kind as to leave a friend of mine a nice message…" "Regan Benson, you surely are another puppet of these three new board members and have had some issue either in the past or are being paid to spread lies…Go away you paid minion of the clowns." Let me assure you WE are not going anywhere. Put your big boy panties on. It is going to get rougher from here on in. People are waking up and are tired of the Liberal Bull Shit that goes on in the Jeffco School system. WE intend to take it BACK. A return to what made this country great is overdue. Speaking of being paid…whose payroll are you on? …have a great day princess.
It's so interesting how the tables have turned. #Karma
To the comment that the BOE majority are unable and or unwilling to work with Stevenson – she is the one who is not willing. She made it clear right from the start that she was not happy of what the Jeffco voters did (and by a big margin). As a parent I am so excited to see that we now have a voice on the board and not just Union puppets who only are interested in their agenda. The union is not about our kids – it and every other union out there only serves one purpose and that is the interests of those involved – not a greater good. Unions served a purpose 100 years ago, but no more. Now all they have is a liberal agenda and if what they are promoting was so great – why is our country so far behind the rest of the world in our scores??? The documentary "Waiting for Superman" says it all. I just hope all involved can settle down and get to the business of bettering our schools and scores. If you are a good teacher – you should not be threatened by any changes. I am sure every parent reading this would agree to compensate and reward great teachers – but bad ones need to go and not be protected – just like the rest of the work force in this nation.
James Peabody, I see. So the reason you're all calling the teachers union thugs, and are all up in arms about "irrational union demands" is because you think the union is treating its members unfairly with regards to acceptable methods of payment for union dues? Got it. Thanks for your concern!
Jen Raiffie, it's great that you at least acknowledge James Buck's committment [sic] to his students, but you didn't acknowledge that you have no idea what you're talking about in terms of where the money comes from. Your entire point is how the union spends money, as if spending money is the sole function of a union, and as if it's tax money and you deserve some kind of say in how it's spent.
A TEACHER, who understands the union and what it does for him, explained that even though he has to spend money on union dues and school supplies for his own students, it's worth it to him to protect his job. I'll take his word over yours.
representative of Congress just our BOE version… Totally dysfunctional, both sides have their own "political agenda, Union's polluting the issue with their agenda, Dr Stevenson is not without blame/responsibility herself. Neither side is focused "on the kids" first, what a joke! One thing I know for sure, Unions can get the heck out…You definitely don't know what is good for my kids…Thugs!
#1 – That union dues be deducted from paychecks rather than union members needing to write checks to the unions on their own accord. After all, if the union services are so valuable then why not go to a subscription based business model.
#2 – That Colorado be a work at will state and there by allowing unions and employers to fire employees without just cause… or any cause… and thereby providing a legal out for what would otherwise be illegal discrimination.
James Buck – with over $500/child year spent on administration. Seems to me that lopping off a few admins would give as much as $15,000 per class back to buying those supplies. Cindy's resignation is a good first step.
Were you standing at a BOE meeting while holding a sign and causing a ruckus because the board decided to accept the superintendent's resignation, which she made publicly last November on TV and only recently formalized it in writing?
If you are, then you might be a thug.
This is all political show to get people to watch Cindy puff up her plumage and give the local TV channels a reason to power up their cameras.
I wonder how many of these union people were from Douglas County where they were shown the door.
Good riddance to bad attitudes. "Do it for the kids".
Let's not forget, Cindy announced that she was quitting the morning after election night. She announced it publicly on local TV and she announced it before taking an opportunity to met with the new duly elected board. Cindy wasn't forced out — Cindy quit.
Everything else is just grand standing and astroturf.
JR Heffley "Go away you paid minion of the clowns". Now that's interesting.
Jared Krueger are you a member of JCEA and they excluded you from the communication that stated this specifically: "Wear black and bring signs that say "DON'T DESTROY TRUST", "WE DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY", "OUR KIDS DESERVE BETTER", "THANK YOU, CINDY".
We hope to see you tomorrow."
Amanda Stevens Did she get this for sending non academic staffers out of state against policy with tax dollars meant for students to receive an award from Bill Ayees? Or was it for her promoting an supporting nepotism and no bid contracts to campaign contributors? Or did she win the award for spending $9 MILLION on a new phone system that was not needed while threatening teacher and librarian jobs, the music program, increasing fees, and crying poor / begging for more tax dollars? Or was it for the HORRIBLE 3rd Grade Reading and 10th Grade Math scores that graduate 1 in 4 NOT proficient in the basics? Please explain.
THE ONLY HATRED IN THAT ROOM WAS FROM THE UNION THUGS THAT DAHLMAN AND THE CEA RALLIED. Why do good teachers subscribe to the union against their own better interests? Good teachers deserve performance pay, not capped. Bad teachers should not be protected. Bottom line, Cindy CHOSE to leave. The BOE accommodated her request. Cindy CHOSE not to adjust to the new direction the new BOE was making at the bequest of the voters. This is not on the BOE. This is all on Cindy.
Is it possible that she was unwilling to work with them? Looks that way from here since she announced retirement before they were even seated. And now that she has a new job, she's gone even earlier. Give the new board a chance to work before you hurl baseless accusations.
What you call "passionate," an objective observer calls frightening. I pray that none of those out-of-control people teaches my kids. This was straight-up bullying and the attendees as well as the public should be appalled at the boorish behavior exhibited. BTW, no good leader puts her board in this kind of lose-lose situation where the best solution is to be taken out by armed security. Does this embarrass no one else?
Georgenne Tomlinson How do you know it's not in the best interest of students? They've been in all of three months with a hostile superintendent. As a parent of 4 Jeffco kids, I'm thrilled to see what they can do for my kids' education. Give them a chance!
Jennifer Phillips charter schools promote choice and competition which will prompt increased outcomes. Maybe you should complain about the $9Million Cindy spent on a new phone system while crying poor and threatening teacher jobs, librarian jobs, the music program and more.
Instead of fighting for the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and their failed education policies, maybe your Union should spend their purse on fighting for fiscally sound policies so you don't have to spend out of pocket. Thank you for your dedication and committment to your students.
The members of the union, teachers, spend their own money when they have it withheld from their paychecks. After buying more than $300 in supplies for my students, out of my own pocket, contributing to an organization that represents people that are working hard to encourage kids to learn is worth what I spend on union dues.
My point is that Cindy Stevens already has and seemed to be working another job for CASE. She has been all over the state capital, a job that most superintendents use a lobbyist for.
Further, she had already decided to retire, immediately following the election. A sign she was not going to be able to or willing to work with the new leadership.
She is not a classroom educator, she is the superintendent. She works for the board, in fact the only employee the board has is the superintendent.
That little show was staged for the purpose of creating drama, as if the loss is somehow bigger that she is leaving now as opposed to May?
Your question is what sense does it make to retire mid year and leave a leadership vacuum?
Plenty if the yahoos in the audience are staging a mock riot for the purpose of implicating the new board in some wider conspiracy.
The cries of recall went out nearly immediately.
Politics, CEA politics at their finest.
I guess I don't find her much of a leader, so the loss, is minimal at best.
If she can't work or won't work with the duly elected BoE, good riddance.
I think what Debbie is trying to say is that she can be a JCEA member and still be bright, well educated, and a typical person. I also know from personal experience as her former evaluator (I'm retired) that Debbie is a wonderful teacher who cares deeply about her students. What's happening with the Jeffco Board is not in the best interests of students, and really, isn't that what it's all about?
Regan Benson, you surely are another puppet of these three new board members and have had some issue either in the past or are being paid to spread lies…when you say Dr. Stevenson was never recognized nationally, how do you lie your way around this….they're wrong too, right. Go away you paid minion of the clowns.
One clear easy way to enhance voter turnout for school board elections is to move them to even-numbered years, the same time as general elections. Ask the CEA and JCEA if they would support legislation that would make that happen. Because I would gladly support it.
Here are the vote totals received for each of the five Jefferson County Board of Education directors in their only respective elections to that office:
Julie Williams 82,868
Ken Witt 78,943
John Newkirk 72,769
Jill Fellman 70,982
Lesley Dahlkemper 64,977
You rock Soderfelt! Amen!
The Majority of the Board couldn't even produce the Agenda for the meeting…what are they hiding and seriously how can they be trusted to manage such an important body over all of our kids? Then they lie and adjourn at the "advice of Security…." I think he meant at the advice of his attorney…Witt is a coward, a liar and cannot be trusted.
So long as you are JCEA you subscribe to their thuggery and fund their malaligned objectives that are not for the kids. Their are alternative options to the Union.
@jr… Your right. It's sad that a board would have to protect themselves but years of corruption justify this. Now they clean house and enact real reform #ForTheKids
Ms. Williams, you have NO credibility so keep your opinions apparently where they've been heard most since your election, behind closed doors!
And every dollar spent on "their" attorney is a dollar not spent on our kids.
How about a recall on the new board????!!!!
Then the 3 of you cowardly run for the cover of "your" attorney. And take "his" advice to adjourn the mtg. You 3 are a disgrace to this County and as my kids are second generation county students, I'm ashamed to be a resident and have my kids in this county…too late to move to entrenched so the only other option is to join the many in seeing you and your minions recalled…remember less than half the county voters voted and you three only received approx. a 58% win???that translates to you fooling 6 out of ten who voted and 4 out of ten don't really like you three anyway. Our new board operates in secrete and then can't handle public pressure and hides under the scummy coat tails of your attorney…you should be ashamed.
The majority of the board never answered the question from another board member "how does this benefit our 85,000 students ?"
Ms. Williams, you're a follower and then at the end when faced with such strong opposition you try to suck up to Dr Stevenson.
What the three new school board members did was disgraceful. By orchestrating this in the middle of the school year demonstrates that they are willing to put their own narrow-minded political agenda before the good of children. You will be recalled.
Jeffco teachers don't have a union, and no longer have strength with collective bargaining. This article doesn't represent what actually happened …
When you look at the voter registration for Jeffco, there are 400,000 registered voters- of which only 170,000 votes were cast (135,000 for school board). Of those, Witt, Williams and New-Kirk only won 58% (80,000) of their district's vote. I believe it was Ken Witt who stated in November that this is what people want. I would have to be inclined to believe that if there was better voter turn out, yesterday would not have happened like this. 20% voter turn out is not what is best for kids. Using a public school board position to push political or religious agenda is not what is good for kids.
Yes, good rid fence indeed! I can't remember ever seeing a better rid fence! Come to think of it, I'm not sure I know what rid fence is. Perhaps when you're done gloating you could educate all of us poor, publicly educated "thugs?"
Agreed. The silver lining here is that this is bringing a lot of issues to light, and perhaps JeffCo voters might actually turn out at the next elections and do something about this hard right "majority" currently trying to dismantle a good school district.
Having been AT the meeting, I was sick to my stomach at how this "journalist" distorted what happened to serve their political agenda.
Regan Benson – What question did Sherry O'Connell even ask, let alone answer for herself?
What's the deal with the black t-shirts? Are the unions taking a page from the playbook of the Mussolini Blackshirts?
David DiCarlo , I'm just trying to find the rationale of your post. Please see my previous questions.
I agree Jenny. I was unaware that professionals with degrees in education and parents that are concerned about their kids were synonyms for thugs! I often wonder how many of the board supporters are current educators.
True, Cindy Stevenson was one of 4 finalists that year, out of 49 state award winners, though she did not win. Here is the press release, and you are right, Maryland's Elizabeth Molina Morgan was a worthy winner.
The deal?
The voters spoke, the direction is changing. Stevens is a CEA lackey.
The new board needs to have a super that is willing to implement their direction. A direction approved by the voters.
It is past time for her to move on .
Do you understand how education timelines work? She was going to retire at the end of the school year — what sense does it make to retire and leave a district without leadership mid-school year? Please explain how it is logical to NOT provide adequate notification as to intent to retire from an educational post?
As a teacher, if I tendered my resignation right now, in the middle of a semester, I could kiss chances of finding another job in education goodbye.
All your post shows is that yes, public education operates differently from the private sector.
How sad that the BOE Majority (Witt, Williams, Newkirk) are unable and/or unwilling to work with a nationally recognized, award winning superintendent for a period of 4 months prior to her official retirement. That speaks volumes to me about the BOE majority! They are not the right leaders for the district or the community! The 15% of registered Jefferson County voters that managed to get them elected made a horrible mistake. They obviously care nothing about what is right for kids!
JCEA member here: there was no memo sent out to members to wear black nor to shout "no"/"recall" … so no, Ms. Williams, the report is not "accurate" … your actions *actually* anger your constituents.
Amy, I think it can be deduced that Deborah is not in favor of what is happening.
Keep it up Julie! More and more people are paying attention, and more and more people are getting angry. Would love to get rid of all three of you, but we only need to rid ourselves of one….
I remember a few years ago Ilistened tto an interview with the then head of the CEA. "He" said he will care about the students when they become dues paying members. So happy my kid got away from the former brain washing Jeffco Schools.
Typical progressive politics………always the victim. Poor little pro union dictator lost her power. Good rid fence!
Amanda Stevens Yes, her award presented to her from the VERY organization she's going to work for- CASE. How was she selected for that award? A single nomination from her friend, former BoE member union supporter, Sue Marinelli. Then she went on to LOOSE in that national bid to a superintendent from Maryland that outpaced her in every area of student achievement and staff recognition. Nice try though. She's simply not an award winner, well I take that back, yes she is, with every and all unions.
Not early enough
That was the deal here, she got a job with CASE.
In the public sector, depending on your new career, it's actually very possible to work out a long term resignation…Now, if you're going to a competitor, or something like that, then you are likely to be dismissed immediately.
A sad state of reality when 60% of our property taxes go to a "perpetual funding of PERA" and THAT is exactly what the awful Obama Administration has done to "HEALTH CARE ? "……..wanna bet that 99% of the teacher's union that showed up at this "meeting" voted for the worst administration this country has ever had to endure…………we need reform, we need un-biased leadership, we need term limits, we need exposure to the corruption that has taken place over the last 12 years, we need charter schools …..and we need the liberals to stop whining and blaming everybody else except their poor leadership and repeating over and over and over that "they are not thugs"……….pullllllllllllllllease…….just get out of the way and let the adults back in the room.
Only in public education can you resign / retire effective 7 months from today.
In the public sector, you tender a resignation for 5 weeks from now and they walk you out the same day.
She has a new job and should have gone to focus on that.
True reform means admitting some "fixes" did not work, reaching out to parents to see what curriculum THEY want for their children – reform does not mean build more charter schools – reform does not mean 400,000$$ for charter schools that are failing – talk to the community and raise up our public schools, reach out to parents and our professional teacher to ask them what will work – then real reform and real positive change will happen for our students!!
The group of people in that room showed nothing but disrespect for what was supposed to be a formal meeting of the board. the people were not standing up for our students, they were shouting and yelling all in the name of political agendas gone wrong. no class, no class at all.
She had an expense account for her clothing!!! How is that money well spent for our students??? Then she was willing to accept millions from Inbloom to sell our students information – without asking our parents and board if it was ok??? She retired too late if you ask me – time for a change indeed.
The board comes clean?? It is time Cindy came clean. All of the policies and money she accepted without board approval, without parent approval – all in the name of politics! She is not about our children and our union is not at all for our teachers. She got caught, period.
You are absolutely right Jenni, and I did use the word coward when referring to Mr. Witt but how can we not be so angry! You might have to remind me about my emotional elevator. However, it is the passionate people who take action and get things done. They are not complacent.
You go Jennifer Laskey Soderfelt!!
I agree completely Marty. I think everyone needs to calm down and find some common ground.
Why does this have to become an issue where adults lower themselves and result to name-calling? "Union thugs"…really? I watched the video footage and didn't see a single thug. I saw concerned citizens. I saw parents, administrators, educators, and jeffco residents (in other words, constituents) who want their elected body to make decisions that are in the best interest of the people, and more importantly, the children they serve. Were they passionate? Yes. That is probably what makes them the best possible people to educate your children. There probably wouldn't be these issues if the board were transparent, honest, and able to demonstrate that they want what's best for all stake holders. Hopefully people who read this "article" take it for what it's worth, an opinion piece aimed at once again discrediting educators and devaluing the voices of the people who do the hardest work of all for our children.
Sherry O'Connell Actually two, a male fired and female not… Last evening… one in Cheyenne Mountain Dist… accused.
This is a blatant turn of what actually occurred. You can listed to the board meetings on the Jeffco website and hear how the board was antagonistic Stevenson.
Sherry O'Connell – I worked at the Capital during her reign and education was getting an automatic 2% increase every year out of a VERY TIGHT budget during that time. Everything else was taking a hit including social service depts. and our jails. Ed was getting 54% of the TOTAL state budget.
So, are you in favor of what's happening in your district? I don't see how what's going on is a good thing for education in JeffCo.
Geeze Deborah Bacon! Would you like a medal or a chest to pin it on? Not all union members are thugs. I guess they didn't teach much Logic at Regis.
I am JCEA. I am NOT a thug.
My undergrad is from Regis University, where I graduated Summa Cum Laude in Mathematics and worked for the poli-sci department. I am NOT a thug.
I volunteer my time to church, to the National MS Society. I am NOT a thug.
I am a single mother, an aunt, a daughter, a niece, a TEACHER. I am NOT a thug.
I am a JeffCo homeowner. I am NOT a thug.
I am an item reviewer for PARCC. I am NOT a thug.
I hold a masters degree in education. I am NOT A THUG.
All of you anti-public education, union haters, did you get that? Be careful who you call a thug, because you are pointing fingers in the wrong direction.
I am a touch wordy and earnest, aren't I? Well, no harm, no foul:-)
Every dollar spent on the teacher union is a dollar not spent on students!
Awards winning? Are you referring how Cindy broke her own policy and used tax dollars meant for students to fly 2 teachers out of state to receive an award from Bill Ayers?
And parents entrust these teachers with their children? WOW. How does this behavior benefits the kids? Now the BOE can take on real reform. This is truly #ForTheKids!
Could someone provide me a list of those "irrational union demands"?
Shame on the media! I am thankful for this accurate report! Too bad network tv refuses to be honest!
2010 Colorado Superintendent of the Year:
2013 Education Week "Leaders to Learn From"
Julie, I know several parents who attended this a.m. and they are not school district employees or union thugs. I have been arguing for people to be patient and give you time, but you cannot just dismiss these moms and dads. They liked Dr. Stevenson and some people don't, just like some like you and some do not. You all deserve respect. You voted to maintain the STEM program and proved your campaign promises weren't lies. Earn their trust but do not dismiss them or people like me who support some of your ideas but know these people and see how much they contribute to their schools and community. Linda, they were parents and care about their kids and they are scared this new majority will destroy their kids' education. Be grateful they care enough about their kids to be involved, so many parents these days do not.
Sherry O'Connell Zero? Really? How would there have ever been dollars to pay her to become superintendent?
Sherry O'Connell With that being said/shared- you just answered your question.
Let's be honest Ms. Williams. This report is not accurate. It just agrees with your agenda so you support it as fact. It is not fair or right to make people who disagree with you out to be wrong. It is time this board comes clean with the citizens of Jeffco.
Award winning- do you know where and how she received her awards? She was NOT nationally recognized- now here you go with subjective reporting.
Regan Benson
Sherry O'Connell What video did you watch?
I see there was 1 teacher, a female in Pueblo dist 60
Sherry O'Connell School Dist. 60 in Pueblo seems to have a lot of problem in this area.
That could be, maybe zero dollars had been invested prior to her becoming superintendent, that's what I suspect.
The only teachers I've read about recently who have molested/had sex with their students have all been at charter schools, check it out.
I watched the video, what are you saying didn't happen, I think we all know the accuracy of it.
I am a parent. I am not angry or bitter, but I'm worried. When I saw what occurred at Saturday morning's meeting, I thought Cindy Stevenson behaved with grace and class. Her desire is to act in the best interest of Jeffco students, and the lack of trust and respect for her from the board majority stands in the way. Colorado Peak Politic's article is a prejudicial presentation of what occurred. So be it. Commentary is important, but let's not mistake it for objective journalism. She was an award-winning, nationally-recognized superintendent. More importantly, student learning outcomes improved under her leadership. Her team of educators clearly love her and feel bereft at her departure. When personality conflicts trump professionalism and agendas trump kids, we all lose.
That was a typical showing of thugs-without a doubt! I have some good video of a black shirted woman flipping me off then physical shoving me out of the way 🙂 Not a cop to be found anywhere- imagine that! All this after a confrontational pat on the back and personal greeting from Michele Patterson, Jeffco PTA Pesident and her gal pals.
Good article. Note the mention of Recall!
The teachers unions are only really useful for those that are molesting our children while at school. It helps them get reinstated.
Unions always come first and foremost with unions. Remember, when Stevenson first took office, she asked the voters for a tax increase because the schools were out of money and within a very short period of time, due to an independent audit, it was discovered the school overspent millions of dollars on technology. 2+2=4, no matter how you add that up. It's time for a change.
Thank you for the accurate report on the JeffCo BOE meeting this morning.