It shouldn’t surprise us to see The Denver Post editorial board siding with the Obama White House. At this point, it’s what we expect from them. However, we were quite taken aback by this weekend’s editorial in which The Post takes the opposite side of Colorado’s best interest when it comes to water rights.
U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton had a common sense bill on the floor last week, the Water Rights Protection Act, which he says will protect private water rights from uncompensated federal takings. From Tipton’s press release:
“Over the past decade, there have been numerous cases when the federal government has attempted to circumvent long-established state water law in order to take privately-held water rights without paying for them. By using the federal permit, lease, and land management process to extort water rights from those who hold rights under state law, the federal government is overreaching, violating private property rights, and the United States Constitution.”
This policy backs up long standing precedent that defers to states and local authorities on water issues. The bill also enjoyed broad bipartisan support – something The Post loves, except when it’s lead by a Republican – and passed out of the house 238 to 174.
Never missing a chance to politicize a non-partisan issue, President Obama has already issued a veto threat against Tipton’s bill. While Tipton is actually trying to push meaningful legislation that’s in the best interests of Colorado, Obama is trying to make sure the U.S. Forest Service consolidates as much power as possible over Colorado water rights.
You’d think this issue would be a no-brainer for the state’s largest paper. Unfortunately, they just couldn’t help toeing the left’s party line.
The Post is such a liberal rag. I only read the sports section. What a joke!