EPA FAIL! Federal Judge Blocks Waters of the U.S. From Taking Effect

The hits just keep coming for the EPA and President Obama, this time it’s the major court decision last night that sided with Colorado and a dozen other states to block the Waters of the U.S. Rule from going into effect today. U.S. District Judge Ralph Erickson of...
POLITICS 101, ATTN PERA BOARD: Don’t Overpay for Incompetence

POLITICS 101, ATTN PERA BOARD: Don’t Overpay for Incompetence

The head of Colorado’s public employee pension, Greg Smith, probably has one of the best jobs in Colorado. He could get paid as much as $647,754 in compensation next year, even though the pension’s unfunded liability rose on his watch to $24.6 billion last year. Only...

PERLMUTTER SUPPORTS IRAN DEAL: What a Difference A Golf Game Makes!

U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter confirms that of course he will support President Obama’s Iran deal, because it’s good for his golf game, and good for America. We reported last month that Perlmutter had already received his reward in exchange for the vote – a golf outing with...