“We’re just having a conversation,” proponents of Building a Better Colorado, a new effort to pass liberal-leaning reforms throughout the state and then to close the door, coo whenever their intentions are questioned by skeptics. If that’s the case, it might be helpful to know who exactly is having the conversation. To that end, we’ve assembled a who’s who in the attempt to Californicate the great state of Colorado.
First the org chart:
At the top, you’ll notice a familiar name, OnSight Public Affairs, which is the Governor’s PR shop for anything he doesn’t want to directly handle. OnSight is the firm that hired uber-liberal editorial page writer and editor Curtis Hubbard. The firm also has been the architect of such gems as Amendment 66, Colorado’s Obamacare Exchange marketing, anti-fracking groups, and independent U.S. Senate candidate disaster Steve Shogun. Of course, that’s not to mention all of Hick’s bicycling bonanzas.
Next, the most interesting figure on this org chart is Dave Younggren, who heads up the Piton Foundation and is a senior executive at the Gary Community Investment Corporation, which funnels money to the Piton Foundation. The same Piton Foundation that supplied Veronica Figoli, a recently-naturalized immigrant to testify to the pain and anguish that voters faced when Secretary of State Scott Gessler simply asked her to verify her voter registration or remove herself if she was here voting illegally. The Piton Foundation is also the organization that gave at least $500,000 to Amendment 66 to increase taxes by one billion dollars. And, that’s the same organization that backed Proposition 103, a tax initiative that went down in flames like Amendment 66.
Let’s also not forget Al Yates, who allegedly orchestrated the Democratic takeover of the state House, Senate and Governor’s Mansion. Any Republican who commits themselves to this organization is being taken for a ride. The Democrats get political cover to pass a bevy of tax increases and elections laws that favor liberals. What do the participating Republicans get? More importantly, everyday Coloradans get stuck with a big tax bill and little means to claw it back.