SchwartzThis weekend, CU News Corps fact checked a devastating ad produced two weeks ago by U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton’s campaign.  The two-minute spot showcased Gail Schwartz’s anti-coal positions that destroyed so much of the economy in her district.  CU News Corps determined that the ad was truthful.


On the Western Slope, which comprises a significant portion of Titpon’s district, energy is king.  It provides lucrative jobs for thousands of Colorado workers, and supports families and towns across western Colorado.  Obviously, policies that are destructive to the energy industry are also destructive to any candidate’s campaign in that part of the state – as they should be.

Gail Schwartz now wants to represent the Western Slope in Congress, and, at the same time, run away from her anti-energy positions that she took in the legislature.  Among the most damaging polices that Schwartz supported was her persecution of the coal industry.

Tipton’s campaign did not mince any words in calling his opponent using a clear and simple logical construct to unmask Schwartz’s job-killing agenda:

  • After Schwartz was elected to the state senate to represent the people of Delta County, she supported a bill to reduce coal production in Colorado.
  • Today, Delta County’s coal production has dropped by more than half.
  • Schwartz’s anti-energy votes caused Western Slope businesses to close and jobs to disappear.

The gripping ad highlights jobs lost, family businesses closed, and buildings crumbling in the wake of Schwartz’s anti-energy policy.

The truth hurts.  And Gail Schwartz needs to own it.