Active duty military strongly favors Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton – by a ratio of two-to-one. This could be a sign of strong voter enthusiasm for Trump, especially if military ballots continue to come back at this pace.
The Trump campaign has long held that its supporters will quietly check the box for Trump when it comes time to fill out the ballot – and not brag about it to family, friends, the media, or even pollsters.
There was a similar trend with this year’s controversial Brexit vote, where polls, the media, and the public seemed pretty confident of a “remain” result, only to be surprised when the votes were counted and the UK voted to leave the EU.
Just this week Trump alluded to the Brexit vote, and predicting a similar result for his campaign. The next few weeks will give us the final answer, but in the mean time it will be interesting to look at the early voting results as they come in across the country.