Now that the election is over, Republican Rep. Mike Coffman will go back to his round-the-clock pace as a Member of Congress, Morgan Carroll will go back to chasing ambulances, and Colorado Democrat operatives will once again look at one another and ask “What happened in CD-6?”
For two straight cycles, Democrats put up what they thought was the best candidate to send Coffman packing in this purplest of districts in purple Colorado, and both times Coffman beat back the challenge decisively.
While Carroll may be happy that she pulled 3,000 more votes than the Democrat received in the last presidential-cycle CD-6 contest, Coffman increased his count by a staggering 28,000 votes.
To understand the massive amount of ticket-splitting that voters did in Coffman’s favor, one just needs to look at Arapahoe and Douglas Counties. In Arapahoe, where Coffman’s district comprises 90% of the electorate, the county went strongly for Hillary Clinton, 53% – 39%, yet Coffman actually won that county, 48% – 45%.
In Douglas County, which is a reliably conservative stronghold, Coffman represents middle-of-the-road Highlands Ranch. Coffman won his part of Douglas County 61% – 33%, strongly outperforming Donald Trump, who carried the county 55% – 37%.