Today’s election filings turned over a few surprises (ahem, Rep. Perlmutter), but District Attorney George Brauchler appears to have raised the most cash in the latest quarterly filing by raising $161,051. The caveat there is that some of the self-funders, like Victor Mitchell, likely made no concerted effort to fundraise as he has dumped $3 million into his coffers. Mitchell also has the most cash on hand, which, in theory, is the most important key performance indicator.

Below are the results of this quarter’s fundraising. A quick note: if a candidate just filed (Steve Barlock) or is not in a positive cash position (Joanne Silva), they are not included in this list.

George Brauchler

Total raised: $161,051

Self-funded or loaned: $12,659 (from his DA campaign)

Non-monetary: $8,493

COH: $142,770


Victor Mitchell

Total raised: $12,097

Self-funded or loaned: $0 (although, previously, he wrote himself a check for $3 million)

Non-monetary: $980

COH: $2,651,154


Doug Robinson

Total raised: $207,552

Self-funded or loaned: $57,022

Non-monetary: $0

COH: $174,304


Lew Gaiter

Total raised: $6,270

Self-funded or loaned: $0

Non-monetary: $254

COH: $1,927


While this is all fun, it’s important to note that there are several candidates still considering a run, such as Davita’s Kent Thiry, State Treasurer Walker Stapleton, and Attorney General Cynthia Coffman. Thiry would likely be another self-funder and Stapleton is known for his fundraising prowess.  Congratulations to Robinson on winning this round, but there are many more rounds to go.

Note: This article was updated to show that Robinson won. Because we suck at math. Thank our public education system.