Democrats have officially run out of new ideas, according to the mainstream media.

In a desperate attempt to jump start the party, 30 of its politicians from across the nation, including Gov. Hickenlooper, have launched a new campaign to expand the party base.

According to Newsweek, the initiative comes with a catchy new title, “New Democracy.”

If that name sounds familiar, it’s because it was the same as that given by Mao Zedong to his theory of democracy in Communist China.

“In a word, new-democratic culture is the proletarian-led, anti-imperialist and anti-feudal culture of the broad masses,” Mao wrote on New Democracy in 1940, nine years before coming to power in China.

Comparisons with Communist China are unlikely to help the group of Democrats achieve their aim of reversing a series of losses the party has suffered at both the federal and state level.

In addition to Hickenlooper, former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is also a member of communist China New Democracy.